Obamacare has very few substantive critics anymore. The era of big government has not ended.
In a disturbing coincidence, two former state senators – both Republicans – were shot and killed in separate, unrelated incidents in the past week.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors took direct aim at powerful police unions on Thursday, calling the collective bargaining agreements they negotiate an obstacle to police reform and the regaining of public trust.
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-Un renewed his threat that his country could preemptively use nuclear weapons, which could potentially reach the United States, if they felt threatened.
Columnist Charles Krauthammer dubbed the Clinton Foundation "a gigantic access influence machine"
Senior Iranian leaders verbally attacked President Donald Trump late Tuesday and early Wednesday following his first United Nations address, in which the U.S. president harshly criticized Iran for its support of global terror operations, according to regional reports. Iranian political and military leaders, including the country's president, mocked Trump for his criticism of the Islamic Republic and threatened military repercussions if the United States decides to leave the landmark nuclear agreement, which Trump hinted could be a possibility on Wednesday. In brief remarks to reporters following a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Trump said, "I have decided" on whether to designate Iran in violation of the nuclear deal, a move that would set the wheels in motion for the United States to leave the agreement and reimpose tough sanctions on Tehran. When pressed on the issue, Trump smiled and said, "I'll let you know what the decision is." Iranian leaders have vowed a
BONUS: Rep. Cohen rages at CNN and MSNBC for not covering the hearing.
Kevin Clinesmith will plead guilty to falsifying an e-mail that the CIA used to justify a 2017 wiretap on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.
New York prosecutors have convened a grand jury to consider whether to indict former President Trump and…
Telsa CEO Elon Musk took to his social media platform to ask the question on everyone’s mind when it comes to the disgraced pair of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Musk was hammering NBC after one of the network’s hosts trashed him when the subject of Epstein came up. Musk fired back at the NBC […]
The US Energy Department prepares a wave of LNG gas permits in the latest move to redraw the world's oil and gas landscape
That old political adage “Elections are about the future” is still applicable these days, but with a tweak: “The 2020 election is about fear of the future.” And what do Americans fear?...
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Journalists everywhere are praising the intrepid bravery of CNN White House Correspondent Robby Chauvistaluego after he asked Trump the most hard-hitting, devastating question he has ever received in a press conference. "What's it like being such a big poopy pants buttface?" asked Chauvistaluego before turning to high- …
The Democrat Maine House speaker stripped Republican lawmakers of their committee posts because they entered the House without masks.
Special Counsel John Durham on May 2 alerted the judge presiding over the case against a former Hillary ...
All six of the major English and Spanish broadcast networks covered the news on Thursday night that independent Senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) will seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, but only NBC Nightly News chose to label him a “socialist” after ABC and CBS had previously done so on Thursday morning. While correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell characterized Sanders as a “socialist,” Mitchell offered some fawning words for him when she declared that he was “not your typical blow-dried politician.” 
“I think the American people should see a representative sample of these ads to see how cynical the Russians were using these ads to sow division within our society,”
Here's how you can support a company that supports pro-life values!!! ***Support my work by getting your own EXECUTIVE JOURNAL here: https://www.turleytalks....
A man who was formerly employed as a USPS mail carrier has admitted to discarding mail, including nearly 100 general election ballots, the Justice Department said.
The last Republican president to not add to the national debt was Calvin Coolidge. The last Republican president to balance the federal budget was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1960 and the last Republican Congress to do so was in 2001. Over the last 50 years, Republicans
Some of Hillary Clinton's defenders have taken to saying that voters shouldn't pay attention to the latest Clinton scandals -- the gushing of often undisclosed millions to the Clintons and their organizations by characters seeking official favors -- because the charges are just one more in a long series: Whitewater, the Rose law firm billing records, the Buddhist temple fundraising, the Lippo Group.

Steve Scalise is Back!

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Rep. Steve Scalise is back at work, three months after nearly being shot to death.