The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. ...
Ilhan Omar’s plan to remake American foreign policy is rooted in pride and misconceptions, and it’s doomed to fail. Thank goodness.
Kanye West is making true but socially unacceptable statements about abortion and Christianity, making him the left's latest target for "cancellation," Tucker Carlson argued Friday.
If you blinked, you may have missed it, but as part of his climate summit in April, President Biden promised to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030.
Plymouth University has backed the notices even after facing backlash
If Americans actually had a significant problem with hate is the solution for us to focus on hate to the exclusion of everything else in the universe?
Blue Line Corp. partners with Australian rare earth mining company Lynas to build a processing plant in Texas.
Forget Joe Biden’s endless gaffes and remarks he later takes back; just try to figure out where he stands even when he speaks clearly, such as on defunding police. Thursday, he painted blacks with …
President Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
If these are not coincidences, then something is up in Moscow.
As Floridians flock to Alabama to avoid Irma, one Alabama couple is ensuring that evacuees are well-fed on their journey to higher ground.
On Sunday, Bernie Sanders declared that the Democratic Party should accept "no middle ground" on various issues including climate, health care, guns, and abortion. Yet he still had the gall to blame President Donald Trump for division.
When riots exploded in Chicago overnight, looters were apparently ready. “Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores, confronting police and at one point exchanging gunfire with officers,” The Chicago Tribune reported. “The looting began shortly after midnight as people darted through broken store windows […]
By: Donald J. Trump Stick with Kirstie Alley! She is a great actress, loved by so many…
The Biden administration has been temporarily barred by a federal judge from ending the pandemic health policy known as Title 42 on May 23.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mexico's top diplomat on Tuesday said his country is taking steps to ease the return of young immigrants whose deportation protection is being rescinded by the
AUBURN, CA—Local 36-year-old man Nate Ripley, who identifies as a six-year-old, “absolutely crushed” a game-winning homer at a local tee-ball game and won the championship for his team Monday evening, reports confirmed.Ripley reportedly walked up to the plate in the bottom of the 6th, pointed his bat toward the left-field wall looming 130&nbs …
Suspension, workshops, $50 fine are possible sanctions.
First lady Jill Biden praised Dr. Anthony Fauci as an American hero during a visit to a vaccination site on Thursday.
Project Veritas released leaked audio Tuesday from a company-wide meeting at Twitter to address Elon Musk's takeover of the platform.
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said she will not leave politics or the public eye, although she won't be running for elected office. "I'm not going to leave politics even th
Barack Obama illegally spied on Amercans for years. Waged an attempted coup against Donald Trump. Now attorneys Barr and Durham are looking into things.
    Ronald McDonald Charity House in Chicago was hit by looters while families and sick children were inside         Scenes from the apocalypse       &n…
Palestinians took to the streets with dancing and cheers immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks recently recirculated footage shows. The video was shared on Twitter earlier this week by Y…
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is on Capitol Hill today to answer questions about the Biden border crisis.