If Erin Lee had known what her 12-year-old daughter would be exposed to during an afterschool “art club” ...
Maybe it's just crazy enough to work. 
Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and their accomplices formerly mainstream media still refuse to accept the results of the 2016 elections.  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama issued hypocritica…
Francis Rooney: Time to End Renewable Fuel Standard Mandate, Cut Down on Ethanol
Michael Steele shot back Saturday at a Conservative Political Action Conference official for a racial comment he made about the former Republican National Committee chairman at a dinner Friday...
Former ESPN commenter Keith Olbermann went apoplectic upon learning of Judge Roger T. Benitez's ruling against CA's "assault weapons" ban.
George P. Bush may be floundering in his race for Texas AG due to the political toxicity of his family name, according to available data.
Should a public university be allowed to seize private property from people who don’t want to sell? That’s what Northeastern Illinois University is trying to do. The school is located in a north side Chicago neighborhood with an eclectic offering of restaurants and mom-and-pop stores. Many of...

The Boy Scouts’ War on Boys

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

This may sound cheesy to some, but to me as a very young teenager, I remember it being a very big deal. It was towards the end of Boy Scout summer camp in the marshlands off Savannah, Ga. The event I’m speaking of was the ‘ordeal’ for the Order of the Arrow, a rite-of-passage of sorts.
Nike is yanking a U.S.A.-themed sneaker featuring an early American flag after NFL star-turned-activist Colin Kaepernick told the company it shouldn’t sell a shoe with a symbol that he and others consider offensive.
New footage from a different angle has emerged of the moments before Jacob Blake, a black 29-year-old, was shot multiple times in the back.
"Texas is 100% open without restrictions or limitations or requirements," the governor said in a tweet Monday.
The progressive host largely agreed with Republicans on this issue.
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders wants to shape America into more of a European social state, but he readily admits that his policies could lead to an increase in unemployment. Sa
U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan said that a 29 year old ma
If the Democrats want to unseat Donald Trump in 2020, they are not going to do it with an expensive progressive policy agenda.
It's not just that the Republican convention is going well, but that the Democratic counter-programming of riots and mobs couldn't be worse for Democrats.
The president instead ordered a wider review of apps owned by businesses in foreign countries.
This cohort study examines neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) after the second and third doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine among Danish adults.
Last summer, when the Gaza conflict was raging, I traveled to Sderot, Israel, on the Gaza border to see for myself what was happening. And boy did I see it.
A New Jersey corrections officer has been charged with receiving images of child sexual abuse, after
On Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence’s plane was called back to Washington DC for unspecified emergency. His planned event in New Hampshire was canceled for Tuesday night. Vice President Pence’s plane called back to Washington for unspecified emergency, as planned event in New Hampshire canceled https://t.co/ZCwe3oy1mG — Fox News Alert (@foxnewsalert) July 2, 2019 #DEVELOPING: …
"The paper’s conclusion is that the data trends observed above likely indicate that nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – such as lockdowns, closures, travel restrictions, stay-home orders, event bans, quarantines, curfews, and mask mandates – do not seem to affect virus transmission rates...
Unemployment fraud throughout the COVID-19 pandemic could cost $400 billion as fraudsters may have stolen nearly half of all unemployment benefits.
In one brief and shaky video, a small object appeared to zip past a military pilot. In a separate video and a similar photo taken at a different time, glowing triangles are seeing in the night sky.