"...we can put up a sign, 'Some staff at this school may be armed.' To me, that's a deterrent."
Former U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is joining President Trump’s legal team as outside counsel for the House's expanding impeachment inquiry, according to a report.
A Roman Catholic and an Orthodox Jewish group are both suing New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo over his latest coronavirus lockdown restrictions that limit church gatherings to 10 people or less.
Former American President was labelled a hypocrite after pictures from his 60th birthday bash featured the Obama dancing with guests without wearing a mask.
Knivstabon Filippa hade med sig en pepparspray i handväskan för att känna sig trygg när hon gick ut på krogen på valborg. Men sprayen upptäcktes av polis, och nu döms hon för vapenbrott. – Man lägger tid på att döma en person som känner sig otrygg istället för att ta tag i problemen som gör att kvinnor går runt med sånt här, säger 19-åringen.
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Just as it seems the DOJ wrongfully obtained FISA warrants based on withheld information and hearsay, it seems evidence was withheld from Michael Flynn.
Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr referenced "America's record of human rights abuses" and framed those alleged abuses around AR-15s.
When California’s one-party government cannot find solutions to current existential crises, it turns to divisive issues.
A video clip shows Hunter Biden naked while recounting how he was passed out in a pool when a computer with recordings of him engaged in “crazy” sex acts was stolen.
Distract, divert, dissemble. Welcome to Antifastan, Oregon, batting lead-off in this week’s West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. And hoo boy, what a line-up....
A local official says a man has rammed his car into four soldiers guarding a mosque in the French city of Valence. Mayor Nicolas Daragon says one soldier fired and wounded the attacker who was hospitalized.
It’s another case of leftist media taking nothing and turning into a major news story bashing President Trump. At the very least, the NY Times reporters were lying about the facts surrounding the story. At worst, this seems like it could be a blatant setup. Either way, it’s working as the President is being blamed left …

Kaepernick: Abolish police, prisons

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick called for the abolition of police and prison systems in a new essay, abandoning his former demands for reform as ineffective and incapable of solving the issues of police brutality and high incarceration ra
Al Gore came to Las Vegas recently with his organization Climate Reality Project to talk activists and policy makers into sacrificing Nevada’s public lands, desert ecosystems — full of biodiversity and carbon sequestration and heat-cooling effects — for the electrification of our ever-growing energy demands.
Cologne's mayor calls crisis talks with police after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and mugging by men on New Year's Eve.
"Media LOVES mass shootings!"
The justices on the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday gave a pass to a public school teacher who forced her students into Islam, demanding that they proclaim that religion's "conversion prayer" on the threat of failing grades.
Many commentators — the preponderance of them conservative but also some liberals — take it as an article of faith that the current polling numbers overstate …
Mere condemnation of the CCP regime, however justifiable, will have limited utility and success in either liberalizing China or yielding other strategic benefits for the United States.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon man filed suits Monday claiming Dick's Sporting Goods and Walmart discriminated against the 20-year-old when they refused to sell him a rifle.
John McGinnis evaluates the prospects for reviving the original meaning of the contract clause.
NATION NEWS DESK 08 OCTOBER 2020 Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning o…
CBP says a big bust made by officers at the Otay Mesa Commercial Facility is the largest meth drug-smuggling seizure along the southwest border to date.