DETROIT — Donald Trump won the South Carolina primary across the board, but he did particularly well with the 10 percent of voters who named immigration as the nation's top issue. In addition, some who named other issues — the economy, national security — were undoubtedly also concerned about immigration, and Trump's hard line likely helped him with them, too. Which is why people who follow immigration closely were stunned Thursday night when Trump, at the Fox News debate here in Detroit, announced that he has changed his position on one key element of the immigration debate — the use of H-1B visas to bring skilled foreign workers into the United States. In the distant past — say, yesterday — Trump focused on abuses in the system, in which some big companies have been caught using H-1Bs to bring in foreign workers, force American employees to train their own replacements, and then pay the foreign worker less than the American had made — all to do mostly routine jobs in the tech industry.
As Christians around the world prepare to observe the holy weekend of Easter, many will be asked at their services to pray for the persecuted around the world. - Christian | National Security
“Yeah, yeah, we know" was the coaching staff's response.
Pope Francis endorse same-sex civil unions on Wednesday, sparking cheers from gay Catholics and demands for 'clarification' from conservatives
This moment demands basic core competence on how to govern and lead across multiple areas, and this administration apparently lacks nearly all of it.
The gcc bioactive ingredients market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
Donald Trump's position on war crimes shows he doesn't understand the character of the U.S. military.
Whose interests does abolishing borders serve, anyway? Is it good for the people of developed nations to abolish borders with their “developing” neighbors?
On Monday, the University of Virginia, founded by Thomas Jefferson, will celebrate Veterans Day, but unlike the last ten years, will not hold the 21-gun salute portion of its ceremony. WHSV reported that the ceremony “marks the conclusion of a 24-hour vigil by ROTC cadets and has included the 21-gun salute for more than a […]
Fake pro-gun groups like 'Gun Owners for Safety' are always smokescreens for the same, tired gun control agenda of Giffords, Brady, and others like them.
The Pentagon will continue to conduct drone strikes against ISIS-K militants and other targets within Afghanistan when necessary even after the permanent withdrawal of the U.S. military presence within the country, spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.
A prominent voter-roll management system used by 31 states has politically compromised ties, according to a new report by Verity Vote.
BOISE - Ted Cruz has won the Idaho Republican primary, according to an NBC News projection.
In early March, Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted that CNN's February audience fell by 19 percent from February 2017. Full first-quarter cable TV ratings released this week show serious year-over-year declines not only at CNN, but also at ESPN, which has continued to push politically correct causes. Perhaps CNN's Jeffrey Tucker should consider the shortcomings in his network's programming instead of immaturely tagging Fox News, which remained in first place by a significant margin, as "state-run TV."
Democrats tore into an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plan Wednesday that would bar the agency from relying on scientific studies that don’t release their underlying data — a controversial proposal resur
The Donald was looking for a turnaround event like The Gipper’s overnight reversal of Jimmy Carter’s lead.
The administration's attempts to downplay which terrorists were killed are yet another sign of weakness that can be exploited by the U.S.'s foreign enemies.
President Donald Trump on Friday ridiculed a report suggesting he had classified documents about nuclear weapons at his home at Mar-a-Lago.
"There are two Donald Trumps," said Carson, the one in public and the one "behind the scenes."
Total: 16 Facebook Twitter Print EmailAn Antifa group at the University of Texas at Austin is calling for “revolutionary violence” against assistant professor Robert L. Reece after he wrote a column running afoul of feminist dogma. Reece isn’t the kind of academic that radical leftists typically attack. Reece checks so many politically correct boxes that ?
Andy Ngo, editor-at-large of the Post Millennial, says the Portland Police have not followed up with him regarding antifa death threats.
The anti-abortion group behind the Texas law is already working with three other states on their own legislation.
[Check out Frontpage's Disloyal Military series: HERE.] Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative
Donald Trump says he can unify the country. Now, he has to prove it. The Republican presidential front-runner canceled a Friday night rally in Chicago rather than enter a tense cauldron of animosity between ...