The unsaturated polyester resin production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
Even if it was ever effective, the welfare state has reached its expiry date. It’s time for a successful successor. A certain form of social security has been exciting the worldwide media recently - and the craziest part is that it has the potential to align itself as a platform…
The plans are less expensive but they don't necessarily cover a range of medical benefits.
Rick Perry, who is resigning as Energy Secretary, will not supply documents that House Democrats have subpoenaed as part of their impeachment inquiry.
The coming fight in the full U.S. Senate over the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett really comes down to one point of contention
The FBI had knowledge that a second laptop had been stolen from Hunter Biden and that that laptop made the Biden family a national security risk.
Back in 2011, the then-Texas Senate candidate sounded a lot closer to his GOP rivals Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio than Donald Trump.
During a visit in Los Angeles, the Mexican presidential candidate gave a rousing speech and met with California leaders. But was he campaigning?
Any candidate who does not live in his private life what he wants government to mandate you live in yours is not worthy of your vote to elected office.
A DEMOCRATIC operative was caught on video revealing his violent threats – like assassinating billionaires like Jeff Bezos – if Donald Trump were to be re-elected next month. Project Veritas releas…
CDC Data has demonstrated what anonymous admin officials described to Politico as a "worrying drop" in coronavirus vaccine efficacy over time.
The political corruption of the DOJ is undermining faith in the rule of law; it must be stopped before we become a Third World country. | Politics
What a difference eight years makes. 
The NBA was understandably excited to start its season and get away from the China controversy that had embroiled the league over the past
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced on Thursday afternoon that he intends to move forward with an FCC “rulemaking” to clarify the meaning of Section 230 following widespread accusations this week that tech companies are censoring news stories that are damaging to the presidential campaign of Democrat Joe Biden.
The dismal end to our two-decade Afghan misadventure should discredit the liberal-internationalist project for good.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office said she is taking a trip to Asia and will visit at least four countries in the region, but Taiwan is not among her destinations.
Bernie Sanders Disses Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign: ‘Part of the Establishment’
Fortunately, there is no similar language in the Senate version of the defense authorization bill. It is up to Chairman James Inhofe of the Senate Armed Services Committee to make sure it doesn't sneak in during conference.
EXCLUSIVE: The Republican National Committee on Friday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the censorship of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and former Vice President Joe Biden’s alleged knowledge of those dealings, amounts to an “illegal corporate in-kind political contribution” to the Biden campaign Fox News has learned.
This is the first 'fatwa' issued by the Taliban after its swift takeover of Afghanistan last week. Capital Kabul's capture on Sunday signified the end of the US's longest war.
He sold his credibility down the river for a litany of empty promises.
An Indiana high school student's art project is being shared all over the United States on social media. Jacob Feazel, a senior at Maconaquah High School in Bunker Hill, spray-painted 4,466 toy soldiers red, white and blue.
There wasn't much of a choice but to delete after a burn like that.