President Donald Trump is considering significantly drawing down troops from Afg...
Gov. J.B. Pritzker for the first time Friday acknowledged his wife and daughter were in Florida before Illinois’ statewide stay-at-home order took effect in March and just recently returned to Chicago.
YouTube Removes President Trump’s Interview with Greg Kelly from Newsmax on Rush Limbaugh and 2020 Election
The Vax Divide: True leadership would be to find a way to mend this divide, rather than wrench it open for purely political reasons
A radical pro-abortion bill that could force New Mexico teachers and school nurses to help students get secret abortions without their parents’ knowledge passed the state Senate on Tuesday. State House Bill 7 also would punish local towns and counties if they pass ordinances to ban abortion facilities and protect unborn babies from abortion. Additionally, pro-life leaders […]
Senator Rand Paul airs his grievances on Festivus.
Gallup poll shows Trump's numbers remain steady despite the barrage of negative reporting from the left-leaning corporate press.
The major Hollywood studios and streamers have signed on to a diversity initiative spearheaded by Selma filmmaker Ava DuVernay that will promote women and ethnic minority crew members for jobs on TV and movie productions.
The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled “Dibutyl Ketone (DBK) Production Plant Cost 2022-2027: Capital Investment, Manufacturing Process, Raw Materials, Operating Cost, Industry Trends and Revenue Statistics” offers the requisite knowledge one requires before foraying into the dibutyl
Rep. Matt Gaetz’s bid to pull U.S. troops out of Syria was way short in the House, as many Republicans, including some from Florida, sided with Democrats to retain our presence there. As The Free Press reported last month, Gaetz called for American troops to…
Fresh off of throwing the Democratic National Convention into turmoil after proving that party officials had conspired to sabotage Bernie Sanders' campaign, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced that he has some even more damaging material in his trove of hacked emails — this time involving Hillary Clinton pushing to arm jihadists in Syria, including ISIS.
Vice savages former Vice President Dick Cheney exactly as anticipated. That isn't the film's true purpose, something made clear early in the film.
Brad Johnson notes that the most serious potential indictment would be levied on John Brennan - conspiracy to commit treason which could trigger the recently reinstated federal death penalty.
Friday on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," host Tucker Carlson pointed out some of the lessons taught to children in some public schools in America, rooted in leftist ideology often to promote Black Lives Matter and other left-of-center causes. | Clips
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., took to Twitter Monday to call out two colleagues by name in the Democrat effort to change the Senate’s filibuster rule to pass the party’s voting rights bills.
As we enter the second week of a partial government shutdown over Democrats? refusal to give POTUS Donald Trump a paltry $5 billion for border security measures including the construction of …
America in crisis does not need more “unconstrained visionaries.”
Our editor James Moules is joined by Matt Trinder to discuss the surrounding issues.
A former executive editor of the New York Times says the paper’s news pages, the home of its straight-news coverage, have become “unmistakably anti-Trump.”
Since Nancy Pelosi and her band of leftwing radicals in
WASHINGTON D.C. - Merrick Garland, who failed in his Supreme Court hearings in 2016 because of that time he got grape jelly all over the Constitution, is now participating in hearings to be the Biden Administration’s Attorney General. During the hearings, Senator John Kennedy, R-LA, asked Garland if he agreed with this statement: 'Two plus ...
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