Trump campaign staffers took a vastly different route this week then a dozen Biden campaign staffers recently did, as the Biden staffers donated to a group in Minneapolis that pays bail fees after the city was devastated by violent rioters who looted businesses and burned down buildings. Responding to the fact that Minneapolis firefighter Korboi […]
  It is almost sad to see their desperation. As I covered yesterday, the Biden administration is grappling with a mounting crisis at the border, the result of his rushing to appease his base with...
These companies deserve credit for doing what others are too cowardly to do.
President Biden mistakenly called the town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi, "Rolling Stone" throughout his speech on Friday, as the town reels from catastrophic tornado damage.
Journalists treat Democrats as normal and Republicans as wildly out of the mainstream. The New York Times denounced the wife of Clarence Thomas: A “vocal conservative, Ms. Thomas has long been close to what had been the Republican Party’s fringes,” they wrote. Now try to imagine the Times writing in high dudgeon about Obama or Hillary Clinton meeting with people on “the Democratic Party’s fringes.” For 8 years Obama entertained every leftist group imaginable. And yet the Times can’t find a “fringe” on that side of the partisan aisle. They aren't going to put Kamala Harris on the "fringes."
The death of George Floyd, a black man who died on Memorial Day after he was pinned down by a white Minnesota police officer, has sparked outrage and protests in the U.S.
As cities nationwide have tackled the soaring rates of homelessness that have plagued most U.S. metropolises with renewed vigor amid the pandemic, the problem is only getting worse, Axios writes.
Backers of a new bill hope hunters will curb the scourge of wild hogs ripping up lawns and sports fields, and spoiling vineyard harvests.
In an unprecedented move, a Manhattan grand jury indicted Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels “hush money” witch hunt. Trump became the first current or former president to face criminal charges, despite the charges being politically-motivated garbage. PRESIDENT TRUMP INDICTED! REPORT: Indictment Ag
Gov. Walz urges state bonding to help Lake Street, epicenter of the destruction.
Interview with Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten
The U.S. economy added 467,000 jobs in January and hiring was much stronger at the end of 2021 than originally reported, indicating businesses did a better job of recruiting workers to fill a near-record number of open jobs.
The increasing application of water tanks in fields such as agriculture, aquaculture, household, etc., is primarily augmenting the water tank market across the globe. Additionally, the escalating demand for water tanks in rural and urban areas, on account of the expanding population and the limited supply of fresh water, is further propelling the market growth.
Anthony Cardenales began stealing fruit as a youngster in the South Bronx, and by the time he was 17 he was in prison, serving a 17-year sentence for murder. During a family visit, when he admonish…
Ann Coulter says that President Trump was elected to build a wall on the United States' border, and that he can decide to build one by executive fiat, without waiting for the approval of Congress.
Tuesday morning, President Trump tweeted two words that succinctly describe the winning coalition that will assure his November reelection: “SILENT...
The Pentagon’s top strategist believes communist China poses an existential threat to the U.S. after abandoning its old strategic policy of “hide and bide” — that is, to mask a burgeoning national military while waiting for the right time to unleash an aggressive foreign policy.
News Corp was the target of a hack that accessed emails and documents of some employees, an incursion a cybersecurity consultant said was likely meant to gather intelligence to benefit China’s interests.
Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed a bill that would stop the trafficking of teenage girls to other states for secret abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent. HB 242, the bill protecting a pregnant minor from the abuse of abortion trafficking, passed the Idaho House 57 to 12 and then the state Senate advanced […]
this is absolutely nuts! trey gowdy goes berserk on gsa for overspending american taxpayers money "Americans eat generic cereal while you eat a $44 breakfast...
Fear of the Left is choking the Christian public witness.
"Real Time" host Bill Maher offered a dire warning that violence will ensue regardless of who wins the November election.
Left-wing militants have reportedly turned a memorial site for George Floyd in Minneapolis into a “volatile” autonomous zone — where police and even other protesters aren’t …