This is going to woefully backfire.
If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Turks in Europe to have 5 children, telling the millions there "you are Europe's future."
The Washington Post broke its bad habit of treating Democrats with kid gloves on Tuesday by breaking a damaging story for already embattled presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama took a break from lounging around in her $15 million Martha’s Vineyard estate to encourage angry left-wing graduates to go protest in the streets. Michelle Obama on Sunday delivered remarks in a virtual commencement speech to 2020 high school and college graduates. She encouraged the young graduates to mobilize and…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In his address to the nation yesterday, President Joe Biden said if everyone is very good this year, he'll allow Americans to have some limited freedoms on July 4.'If you are all good boys and girls, we can have a few freedoms back on the fourth of July,' he said. 'It'll be a nice treat for doing such a good job li ...

Biden agenda dead, dead, dead

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

BIDEN AGENDA DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. What remains of President Joe Biden's agenda died quietly on Sunday, barely noticed by a media consumed with Ukraine, Joe Rogan, and why Stacey Abrams didn't wear a mask in a Twitter photo.
Internal FBI documents released Monday showed the federal law enforcement agency sought to develop inside sources within Christian communities to investigate domestic terrorism.
Conservative voices are building for a first-ever, states-driven U.S. constitutional convention. Nine state legislatures have called for one. Now the
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lied about her "Green New Deal" on Thursday, saying that it is not a "massive government takeover" hours after admitting the exact opposite.
New Jersey Assemblyman Jay Webber accused the State's Governor Phil Murphy of "brazenly defying" his own executive order that limits outdoor groups to 25 people amid COVID-19 and is asking the that the police hold him accountable for it, in a letter sent to the State's Police Superintendent Col. Patrick J. Callahan on Monday.
DeSantis signed an executive order Wednesday canceling coronavirus-related fines imposed by local governments during the pandemic.
The rising awareness regarding the various health benefits associated with the consumption of green tea is primarily augmenting the green tea market across the globe. In addition to this, the growing consumer preferences for healthy and functional beverages are further propelling the market growth.
They are somewhat more likely than higher-income Republicans to support the ACA, and many say ensuring coverage for all is a government responsibility.
On Friday, journalist Susan Crabtree lauded an article by Philip Wegmann of RealClearPolitics.
Video of police officers in plainclothes and military-style uniforms arresting a female protester Thursday — and taking her away in
What the left's obsession over Senator Cruz's trip to Cancun reveals about media and the politics of appearance.
The proposed amendment says "every individual has a right to.. contraception, fertility treatment, continuing... pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion."
"Medicare for all!" demands Bernie Sanders. But does it work? Let's take a look at the countries that have already implemented such ideas! Take media back an...
A federal judge has rejected an activist group’s request to prevent the Trump administration from as...
A congressional paper looks closely and finds no increased growth or investment, just a windfall for business owners.
CNN early morning host John Berman ripped into FOX News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday morning for vaccine skepticism and other anti-politically correct stances: JOHN BERMAN, CNN: The director of the CDC is basically begging Americans not to let their guard down... the president is asking local doctors and religious officials to help get more Americans vaccinated... In the way of this message is a mountain of misinformation and possible malevolence... TUCKER CARLSON: It turns out there are things we don't know about the effects of this vaccine. [Tucker] went on and on and on, so why would this television character spend so much time on his show throwing shade at vaccines? Feeding the fears of half of the Republican men who say they do not plan to take it? This television character likes to say he's just asking questions. So, here are some questions. Does this character think it's important to slow the spread of the virus? Just asking. Does this character care if the country reaches herd immunity to return to life and work safely? Hey, it's a question. Does Tucker Carlson really want his viewers to live? Look, this guy bemoans so-called cancel culture more than anyone on Earth, but he should look in the mirror because you can’t get any more canceled than dead.
Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement of more than 5,000 words last Friday, outlining their shared version for a world order not led by the United States.