Kansas Governor Laura Kelly has vetoed a bill that would protect newborns who survive abortions from infanticide. The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (House Bill 2313) received massive support in the legislature and a veto override is likely. The governor is a pro-abortion Democrat, but the legislation has enough support to override her potential veto. The […]
On Wednesday night, our friends at The Right Scoop were all over conservative talk radio host and CRTV personality Mark Levin ripping into former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas and the liberal media for censoring Farkas’s “smoking gun” admission that the Trump team were in fact surveilled.
The Black Lives Matter Kill List— At least 11 police officers have been shot dead and several shot and injured by Black Lives Matter activists since the movement began in August 2014. This is likely an incomplete list….. Democrats support this criminal movement. In September 2015— Black Lives Matter activist Joseph Ponder shot a police…
Imagine falling so far down the rabbit hole of left-wing talking points that the line between voter ID and literal genocide begins to blur.
“In no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the Loop and lakefront this weekend," Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson said in a statement. "However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday defended Rep. Ilhan Omar, arguing the freshman Democrat was unaware of the anti-Semitic meaning behind her words.
The video conferencing company says Beijing had asked that four meetings and associated users be terminated. Two of the users were based in the U.S. and the third in Hong Kong.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a clear message to the race-baiters: I’m not your man. During a…
A new study is pouring cold beer on Seattle's soda tax. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE, reveals...
A West Virginia abortion biz has dropped its lawsuit against the state and its abortion ban that protects the lives of unborn children. In 2022, after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, West Virginia largely replaced its previous pro-life law with the Unborn Child Protection Act, protecting unborn life from abortion in most circumstances. […]
Are media pundits afraid Schultz will help re-elect Trump, or that the former Starbucks CEO will pull Democrats toward the center?
Flag Day 2020 commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, 243 years ago on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress,
Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) to CNN host Poppy Harlow on Thursday: "I don't necessarily think that it's appropriate for journalists to be inside centers that are not permanent places for children, that children are not placed there permanently. They're processed out of those facilities as quickly as possible, and as quickly as the facilities will allow." The full interview: HARLOW: So just to be clear, these two bills that are making their way through today are not yours, yours is the big one, the one that President Biden is pushing. I wonder if you think that Democrats moving sort of piecemeal legislation through is actually going to upend your hope of getting the big Kahuna through. And I say this because republicans can then claim -- if you do get one or two of these through -- that they have done something on immigration. SANCHEZ: So you need to understand that from day one, we have said that options will be on the table, and we are going to push for as robust relief as we can get. But we wanted to flood the zone and build momentum for the bigger bill. While the Farm Work Modernization Act and the Dreamer TPS bill are important pieces of legislation, which I support -- HARLOW: Right. SANCHEZ: -- the deal with legalization of discrete groups, whereas the big bill does an overhaul of our immigration system, and seeks to get at the root causes of migration, to stop those migration patterns. So we think that there is room for support in our caucus and in the Senate for all of these bills -- HARLOW: Well -- SANCHEZ: -- and we will be pushing all of them. HARLOW: The second-most powerful Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin, doesn't think so. I mean, he said explicitly to CNN this week that there is not the support in either chamber for your bill. Do you think he's wrong? SANCHEZ: Well, I think that Senator Durbin probably is feeding off of the negative energy that Republicans have towards immigration. They're more focused on using the border as a backdrop than they are at sitting down at the table to talk about a solution to these problems. And you know, we can create the momentum, I believe, to push Republicans in the Senate to support this bill. And if you speak with Majority Leader Schumer, he's very committed to using every legislative tool at his disposal to getting this through the Senate. We have a president and administration that fully are going to push to get this bill across the finish line. And it's a unique set of circumstances -- HARLOW: So -- SANCHEZ: -- where I believe we can get it done. HARLOW: -- let's talk about two things that maybe would help you achieve that, two of the biggest concerns that your Republican colleagues in both chambers have. You saw Representative Maria Salazar of Florida with her immigration bill, just yesterday. It does provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, but it calls for enhanced physical barriers. I mean, the big thing that your comprehensive bill does not include -- that was included, you know, back in the Gang of Eight talks in 2013 -- is one, E-Verify, right? Using that, mandating that for employment verification. And, two, broad provisions on border security. There is some money there to increasing technology on the border, but not the broad strokes that were in 2013. Are you open to including those things to getting Republican support? TEXT: House GOP's Immigration Plan: Boost border security funds; Protects Dreamers; Path to legal status for non-violent immigrants; Expand visas for agricultural workers; Implement mandatory E-Verify SANCHEZ: Well, I will just say this. We spend billions of dollars at our southern border, and that has increased year over year over year, and it hasn't solved the problem. The U.S. Citizenship Act gets at the root of these migration patterns because you're going to have that continuous flow so long as people are fleeing violence and poverty and corruption. So throwing money at physical borders? We know physical borders don't work. We've had the last four years of the Trump administration, the cruelest, most restrictive policy. This, you know, intention to invest in barriers? Barriers don't work, that's a Medieval solution to modern-day problem -- (CROSSTALK) HARLOW: OK, but what's happening -- SANCHEZ: -- working smarter, working smarter with technology at the border, and modernizing our ports of entry and investing in infrastructure, that's a much better investment. Investing in the Central American countries that send the most migrants north so that they can be processed in-country and don't show up on the southern border, that's a smarter investment. And as anybody will tell you, when a bill is introduced, it's seldom is it the case that when it reaches the floor for final vote that it's exactly the same bill. We are in the process of educating members about what's in the bill, taking into consideration any issues or concerns that they have, and trying to make the bill better. We'll have an opportunity to do that when we mark up the bill, but you know, it's very premature to say that there's no path for this bill. I think there's a large appetite to get this bill done and to fix our broken immigration system once and for all because we've been kicking the can down the road for the last 20 years. We need to get this done. HARLOW: OK, well that's not a no, so it sounds like you are open to some changes. So we'll see where that goes. I have one minute left, two very quick questions for you. One, given the surge -- we're double where we were on migrants crossing the border from a year ago -- is it time for President Biden to go to the border? SANCHEZ: President Biden and the administration are doing all that they can under very difficult circumstances. Remember, let's not forget who separated children at the border, let's not forget who dismantled our asylum process. Those were all policies under the Trump administration that we are trying to course-correct. And there was this pent-up demand because Trump forced people to remain in Mexico, so we are doing what we can to process people in a quick and expeditious way. And again, U.S. Citizenship Act would be a way to fix the problems that we see at the border now. HARLOW: OK, I was asking if you thought it'd be helpful if he went to the border. But I guess my last question for you then is on transparency. You just heard our Priscilla Alvarez reporting from the border. All of our reporters down there have been asking nonstop to get into these facilities, where Alejandro Mayorkas just said are not meant for children, the CBP facilities. Are you concerned that the lack of transparency from the administration, not allowing any journalists inside? SANCHEZ: I will tell you that under the Trump administration, members of Congress were not allowed inside these facilities. So if the press -- (CROSSTALK) HARLOW: So you want to -- SANCHEZ: -- is not allowed inside, it doesn't -- HARLOW: That just doesn't mean anything now, respectfully, Congresswoman. I mean, clearly you were upset about that lack of transparency. Are you concerned about this lack of transparency? SANCHEZ: Sure. Well, again, when you have numbers in the -- in the numbers that we see, and we have facilities that are appropriate for children, but because of COVID protocols, you can't fill them to capacity. You have to have social distancing. They are trying to process children as quickly as they can. And no, these detention facilities at the border were not meant for children, children are meant to be in licensed facilities. But because of the numbers and because of the social distancing that's required, they are doing the best that they can. And I don't necessarily think that it's appropriate for journalists to be inside centers that are not permanent places for children, that children are not placed there permanently. They're processed out of those facilities as quickly as possible, and as quickly as the facilities will allow. HARLOW: But some of them are being held there longer than they're legally supposed to be. SANCHEZ: They are doing the best that they can -- HARLOW: We'll have you -- SANCHEZ: -- under COVID protocols. If it were not a pandemic -- HARLOW: OK. SANCHEZ: -- I would totally understand the concern. But we are dealing in a unique set of circumstances that are unprecedented, and you can't fault an administration that is doing everything humanly possible to treat these kids in a humane way, given the limitations that they have because of COVID.
They had to bring in counter-protesters to get the real extremism...
The Florida House on Wednesday gave final approval to a controversial bill aimed at preventing children from attending drag shows and two other...

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The same leftist who has been leading the charge against Fox News host Tucker Carlson for problematic remarks he made in the past has an interesting history of his own, deriding transgenders, Jews, Japanese, and Bangladeshis.
The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that defines gender as a person’s biological sex, reversing an Obama-era rule aimed at protecting transgender people against sex discrimination in health care.
Sen. Hawley, when commenting on the recent U.S.-China meeting, said that Communist China believes it can steamroll the Biden administration.
China is forcefully harvesting organs of thousands of political prisoners in order to establish a $1 billion-a-year medical black market.
The increasing application of the electroplating technique in the automotive industry to improve the vehicle's aesthetic appeal, prevent corrosion, and enhance the presentation of exterior parts, such as door handles, emblems, hood ornaments, etc., is primarily driving the global electroplating market. In addition to this, the escalating utilization of electroplating to refurbish old chrome parts, including wheel rims, grills, bumpers, etc., to increase their shelf life is also augmenting the market growth.
One of six threatening letters sent to black residents in Knoxville, Tennessee, including a well-regarded pastor, read: "I am a very racist white man and with Mr.
Republican Congressman Doug Collins (GA) on Thursday released transcript from former FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s June 2018 testimony. Peter Strzok told then-Majority General Counsel Zachary Somers that the Department of Justice made a deal with the FBI not to search for, or investigate Clinton Foundation emails. Mr. Somers asked Peter Strzok if the Clinton Foundation …