The Smithsonian uses tax-payer money to project racism in the name of understanding and inclusion, but all they really do is foment racial tension.
Fox News host Sean Hannity slammed President Biden's foreign policy ahead of his highly anticipated summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Tuesday on "Hannity."
Laurel Duggan  The National School Boards Association (NSBA) considered urging the Biden administration to deploy the military to school board meetings to
The pain of your enemy should be your joy, and
They see a red flag in his threat to end the filibuster if the Republicans are too ‘obstreperous.’
College is more expensive than ever! Many young people are going into debt that will crush them for the rest of their lives to attend college-- all for a degree that ends up being totally useless! But is it worth it? You betcha! We want you to be as informed as possible before you decide to go ...
While discussing the attack on Robb Elementary School, CNN's Wolf Blitzer suggested "weapons of mass destruction" are too easy to buy.
Elvis Presley’s former home and popular Memphis tourist attraction Graceland was vandalized with graffiti that said “Defund the Police” and “BLM” overnight.
President Biden's angry response to a CNN reporter on Wednesday was the latest in a long list of times he has snapped at journalists who asked him pointed questions.
Billionaire Elon Musk revealed a mixed stance on proposed gun control measures following the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
For the third year in a row, President Donald Trump has ordered the defunding of the UNFPA, a United Nations population control agency which promotes abortions
Atlanta Mayor Says Lifting Of Restrictions Contributed To City’s Soaring Crime Rate
Don't conflate mass shootings with school shootings.
The second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom was held in Washington DC and the message was clear: Christians and Yazidis …
Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China served the “strategic interests” of the country’s communist government and military — and may have imperiled American nationa…
A CBS 62 weather reporter, April Moss, said live on the air that she will expose the network ...
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The following is satirical.
Edward-Isaac Dovere, a reporter for The Atlantic, did not deny coordinating a question about Trump's "soul" with Joe Biden's campaign.
Brown County clerk Sandy Juno says private money displaced career election experts, may have violated state law.
These guys are so empty, it's something to watch...
By Todd Starnes/TWITTER Jim Howard, of Garden City, Kansas is a red-blooded, American patriot and a faithful supporter of the athletic program at the local community college. Click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter: a must-read for Conservatives! For 32 years he’s volunteered with th