Pauline Wood said that rather than “shoot the messenger”, headteachers must face up to the issues they faced during the last lockdown
Leftist media want the Catholic Church to push their agenda. But when it enforces doctrine on abortion or sexuality, the church must stay out of politics!
WASHINGTON - After statements on LGBTQ+ inclusion from the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Space Force, the Navy has responded with their own statement boasting that they’re gay all year and not just during Pride month.'You’re committed to diversity and celebrating queerness in June? That’s cute, honey. WE’RE G ...

Here Comes Puerto Rico's Default

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The blue model meltdown is bigger and in its way more toxic than anything that happened at Chernobyl. Reporters and voters should be asking candidates what they plan to do about it.
New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush has been suspended from the paper after details emerged about his alleged ?bad judgment around young women journalists.? According to Bianca Padró Ocasio, a friend of one of the women Thrush made unwanted sexual advances towards, the New York Times reporter was well known for telling others he was a ?
A whopping 300+ companies have thrown their support behind President Donald Trump's  White House wor...
The president’s plan isn’t about combating lawlessness in our cities, but pushing Democrats’ gun-control agenda.
Even NBC News couldn't save President Joe Biden from a false claim he made in order to frighten Americans into voting for more gun control restrictions. Biden made the statement in an address to the nation on Thursday in the wake of the horrific elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas. "Ac...
Embattled ex-IRS official Lois Lerner inquired about auditing a pro-abstinence group with ties to Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, according to a Senate report released o
The left is angry with President Donald Trump for attacking Elijah Cummings and West Baltimore, calling Trump racist. But Bernie Sanders compared West Baltimore to a "Third World Country." Is he racist?
The next president will likely solidify a lasting majority on the courts of appeals, either cementing President Trump’s judicial legacy or undoing it.
Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar (D) announced a message for the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis. In an interview this week, Cuellar implied it was suspicious Kamala Harris visited El Paso and not where the crisis is raging hundreds of miles south.++
As inflation, gas prices, and virtually everything else in the country spirals out of control, Biden’s polling numbers have gotten so bad that even ABC News is forced to admit that they are poised to drag the entire Democrat Party down to a landslide defeat in November. 
He has actually widened his lead.
The Roy Moore case is not really about Roy Moore, whether he sexually harassed anybody 40 years ago, or the Senate seat that hangs in the balance.
FRENCH politicians are fuelling the cross-channel migrant crisis by spreading false claims that it is easy to live undetected in the UK, MP's said yesterday.
Republicans in the Arizona Legislature last week stripped controversial Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs of powers related to election lawsuits, shifting the power instead to the state's Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich.
Senate Bill 145 lowers the penalties for adults who have sex with same-sex minors.
Chris Christie said arguing the NSA should get a warrant is wrong "Because if you don't have probable cause, you can't get a search warrant"
Speaking at the Young America’s Foundation Conference on Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence said that CNN’s Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night wasn’t between moderates and liberals as the mainstream media has said, “it was between liberals and socialists, and that’s the Democratic Party today.”
Socialism has never been known anywhere to protect against human greed any more than capitalism encourages it, nor does it in any way encourage "fairness."
In an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN Tuesday evening, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) defended her comments from early June in which she compared the United States and Israel to
Laurel Duggan  A man armed with at least one weapon and burglary tools was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home after telling police