The sexual revolution is now officially devouring its own children.
Now that I have witnessed college propaganda firsthand, I refuse to ignore the indefensible and discriminatory behavior of the liberal campus bullies.
The proposal touted Tuesday would eliminate a high-stakes admissions test used to judge applicants for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Toyota announced Thursday that it will stop donating to Republicans who objected to certifying President Joe Biden’s victory in January. The company said
Perhaps Biden’s only hope is that the fact checkers can persuade people: “Don’t believe your lying eyes!”
Get Konnected at http://www.thekronies.com The Kronies are in action...Mandating, Tarrify-ing, Inflating, and Boondoggling their way to profits powered by th...
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with
This historical artwork debacle is a classic left versus left fight: freedom of expression over everything else against the rights of the offended over all.
The Department of Justice is looking into whether federal charges can be brought against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan over her failure to crack down on a so-called “autonomous zone” controlled for weeks by rioters. Attorney General William Barr has tasked the DOJ’s civil rights division with investigating whether charges can be brought against Durkan, The […]
Trying to figure out what blockchain or cryptocurrency-powered, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are? Then this is for you.
Democrats have spent decades warning that the United States must stop using the most efficient and affordable energy sources or it will be consumed by heat waves, fireballs and cataclysmic weather eve...
Adam Hoffman and Wyatt English to serve as National Co-Chairs HOUSTON, Texas — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today named YouTube sensation CJ Pearson of Georgia as National Chairman of the “Teens For Ted” coalition. Political activist Wyatt English of Iowa and Secretary of the High School Republicans of Texas Adam Hoffman will serve as co-chairs. “Young people are looking …
Talk about self love. Washington Post journalists want you to know that they’re great and that you should see a new film promoting the paper’s publication of the Pentagon Papers in the 1970s. Over three days, The Post devoted 3,375 words and three articles to touting The Post.
NUUK, GREENLAND—There have been rumors that President Trump was considering buying Greenland, and Trump has now confirmed those rumors, revealing that he sees it as a great moneymaking opportunity if the U.S. purchases the world’s largest island, fixes it up, and then sells it at a much higher price.“Look at it; it’s prime real estate,& …
A Massachusetts man says he built an electric fence around his Trump lawn sign to stop people from removing it after repeated thefts.
Former acting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan slammed the Biden administration for attempts to remove a Trump-era health rule at the border. In an interview on Saturday, Homan warned of bad things to come if the Biden administration removed a rule allowing for the rapid expulsion of migrants due to the pandemic.
De Blasio's comments expectedly raised more than a few red flags, according to the NY Post.
President Trump said Tuesday that Jews who voted for Democrats were either ignorant or disloyal.
A few years ago, some waggish citizen of the internet decided he would take bits and pieces from horror film “The Shining,” score them to Peter Gabriel doing “Solsbury Hill” and create a trailer fo…
Swedish officials are warning Ukrainian women living in refugee centers not to dress in a way that might provoke men from “other cultures”—code for Muslim migrants, which, in Sweden, is mostly of the...

The Next Speaker’s Agenda

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

John Boehner's out, what will the next Speaker of the House have to do?
A provision of the tax overhaul is expected to release a tide of U.S. corporate cash from abroad, a development likely to jolt the dollar and reverberate throughout financial markets early next year.
The Republican options beyond the president all have their own considerable flaws.
Recognition of Israel by the UAE and Bahrain will, it is predicted, be followed by recognition of Israel by Oman and other Gulf states, perhaps even Saudi Arabia. But the idea that peace is at hand…