The Linear Alkylbenzene production cost analysis report covering capital Investment, manufacturing process, raw material requirements, operating cost, industry trends and revenue statistics, supply chain analysis, primary process flow, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
"...they should do without it."
The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed the White House late Friday, with the Democratic chairmen of three House committees saying that President Trump "has chosen the path of defiance, obstruction, and cover-up" in response to the ongoing impeachment inquiry.
A Nigerian immigrant whom authorities say strangled a 23-year-old University of Utah student to death and then burned her remains in his yard has pleaded guilty in a deal that will spare him execution, according to reports.
Biden is letting himself be pushed around by far-left Democrats who now view ‘illegal but good’ as the standard for governing.
Payments "may be retroactively collected or awarded, including in the case where paternity is established subsequent to the birth of the child," the draft law states.

Ted Cruz supersizes his campaign

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It’s not quite the spectacle of the Donald Trump show.
Spokesman: Evangelist the Rev. Billy Graham has died at his home in North Carolina at age 99.
A Hill-Harris poll showed Trump with this year’s highest job approval rating (49 percent) and lowest disapproval rating (51 percent).
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has urged Congress to raise the debt limit once again. In a statement issued on Monday, Yellen pointed out the debt limit has been raised on a bipartisan basis in previous years. 
Lansing, Mich., July 13, 2022 – A top Michigan Democratic Party official is under fire after a west Michigan nursing home executive accused the official of suspicious billing practices. Joe LeBlanc, chief executive of an assisted living facility, has come forward highlighting the questionable billing practices of Traci Kornak, a licensed attorney and treasurer for …
“We’ve got a first-tier campaign," he said.
As Loesch and her security detail walked toward the stage, audience members shouted at her phrases like, "murderer," "child killer," and "burn her."
The U.S.-China relationship started veering wildly off track 15 years ago—but Washington stumbled badly in its response.
The Texas Republican warned that if “on Election Day, people are angry, they've given up hope and they're depressed, which is what Pelosi and Schumer want them to be,” there could be “a bloodbath of Watergate proportions,” which would entail losing the White House and both houses of Congress. 
A four-year medical student has filed a lawsuit against officials at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, accusing them of discriminating against him over his pro-life activism.
While we all wish Joe Biden a full recovery from the coronavirus, let's not forget the COVID misinformation he has been spreading for years.
Jeb Bush, who is still running for president, challenged Donald Trump to debate today. “I’ll take you on one-on-one in ...
Georgia Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle (R) responded to Delta's decision to sever ties with NRA by announcing he will work to ensure the airline gets no tax breaks unless their political boycott ends.
Left-wing rioters attacked supporters of President Donald Trump leaving a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Thursday evening.
Biden's statement Thursday that he would reveal his court-packing position only "when the election is over" was "disrespectful to the process and to the people," the president told Sean Hannity.
NBC’s coverage of the Tokyo Olympics finished as the lowest-rated summer games in the network’s history. 
The Alberta Court of Appeal ruled that the injunction against him, his arrest, his jail time, the censorship order and fines against him were illegal.
Despite an overall drop in crime, Washington D.C. has experienced a whopping 54% increase in its murder rate for 2015, the city reports.