Patrice Lewis has fun with Antifa type's desire to go after 'defenseless' redneck towns
When is a VAT not a VAT?
President Trump said in a tweet that he will release on Wednesday a transcript of his July phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which they reportedly discussed an investigation involving Joe Biden.
Four people died in Portland shootings this week, bringing the homicide total in the city to 39 so far this year.
ABC, CBS and NBC still refuse to cover the latest Hunter Biden scandals, even as they pile up on an almost daily basis. 
[ Pictured in the image above, Carlton Ott,  Clark Rice,  Steve Hamm, Steve Parrish, David Jay, Michael Magrino, Dewayne Herring, Andy Hughes, Gary Coleman, and Scott Smith ] HUNDREDS OF CASES PROSECUTED WITH PLANTED EVIDENCE, MANY WRONGLY CONVICTED STILL IN PRISON The Alabama Justice Project has obtained documents that reveal a Dothan Police Department’s Internal Affairs [?]
A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn't force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding, ruling that doing so would constitute a violation of free speech. Superior Cour
The Anti-Defamation League said the hand symbol initially began circulating as a trolling tactic but then was later adopted by white supremacists.
If lockdowns really altered the course of this pandemic, then case counts should have clearly dropped whenever they took place.
The White House admitted that President Joe Biden and his administration could no longer find legal grounds to extend an eviction moratorium.
The biofuel manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the biofuel industry.
Hillary’s Russian reset proved to be anything but — in fact, it was the beginning of amateur hour when it came to American-Russian relations. President Trump is changing all that, resetting relations for real in fields like national security where it matters, without the plastic buttons from OfficeMax and the sickening fanfare.
Out on a limb in Grenada in August, I had the fine pleasure of sampling such a special sweet fruit of the “Spice Isle”. It is a fruit that should be the seed for another familiar Caribbean proverb:…
According to CBS White House correspondent Ben Tracy, reporters like himself are safer in N. Korea than they are working in the White House.
FLORIDA – Polk County Sheriff’s Office detectives and partnering agencies conducted an undercover operation from July 27th through August 1st, 2021, during which detectives posed as juveniles on social media platforms, mobile apps, and online dating sites to investigate those who prey upon and travel to meet children for unlawful sexual activity. Detectives from the […]
The organic fertilizer manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the organic fertilizer industry.
I'm not an expert on guns. I don't even own one. For this post I do not want to get into the question of which sorts of regulations of guns are reasonable or constitutional. I do see a lot of very weak arguments being used in current debates. I'll focus just on the very concerning one that the No Fly List ought to be used to deny substantive rights beyond flying. It's a shoddy list as it is and raises significant concerns in the travel context. The last thing we should do is expand its use.
Less than 24 hours after his return to the White House after being treated for COVID-19 at a nearby hospital, President Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to blame the news media for its aggressive focus on his handling of the pandemic. 
Was Joe Scarborough ever a good ol' Southern boy, as he still likes to portray himself? In any case, that persona has definitively disappeared. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough exposed himself as the worst kind of condescending Upper West Side snob. 
Too bad her colleagues on a committee to investigate Capitol security have no interest in probing Capitol security.
The Utah Republican Party chairman blasted Mitt Romney’s anticipated Senate run, hitting him for “essentially doing what Hillary Clinton did in New York” — campaigning in a state he hasn’t spent much time in.
The economies of Ontario and Michigan have a lot in common, but while Michigan—once known as the “economic ...
The year 2020 is really becoming something else. Giant hornets with freakish eyes and a venomous sting have emerged and are now part of this year's list of worries.The deadly meat-eating Asian giant hornet, which has been known to kill up to 50 people a year in Japan, has surfaced in the US for the first time. It was found in Washington state."They're like something out of a monster cartoon with this huge yellow-orange face," Susan Cobey, a bee breeder at the Washington State University's department of entomology, said.
Canceling student loans is hardly fair.