“As long as I’m in elected office, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure they don’t,” Shapiro tweeted.
As Jan. 6 prisoners continue to languish in jail without trials, without bond and in subhuman conditions, two ...
I am the sort of person that campus minority protesters at both Yale and Mizzou seem to be demanding more of. But I’m also under attack from the PC police.
California's unfinished high--speed-rail overpasses will stand as monuments to the state's insatiable appetite for spending money it doesn't have ...
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was on Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo today and he made some bold statements about James Comey and Andrew McCabe. If you believe McCarthy, the former FBI leaders might want to think about lawyering up right about now, because the hammer is coming down. FOX News reports: McCarthy promises …
Hillary Clinton allegedly planned to stir up a scandal against President Trump in 2016 connecting him with Vladimir Putin and Russia...
Who needs accuracy when you can just cry for the cameras?
Historically, even when conservatives appear to be temporarily winning on some issue, it’s really a sign of losing ground long-term to every leftward shift of the Overton window of politics. For example, as we temporarily appear to be winning on one cultural onslaught of the left, it’s only because ...
"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah defended Islam as a peaceful religion by pointing out that all of Western civilization has yet to be annihilated by Islamic terrorists.
One year in as Senate minority leader, Schumer blames the impasse over immigration on Trump’s inability to strike a consistent position. But the episode also publicly exposes a divide among Democrats that Schumer is struggling to manage.

Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want to see the homes
The Trump administration will carry out several high-profile immigration enforcement raids in cities with sanctuary policies.
White House will focus on increasingly contentious relationship with Beijing
Under Texas' new abortion law, does a fetus count as a second passenger in an HOV lane? A pregnant woman from Plano, Texas says she will make that argument in...
A poll released in November but ignored by the mainstream media shows that a third of Syrian refugees do not want the Muslim terrorist group ISIS defeated, reports Gateway Pundit. 
It’s the State Of The Union like you’ve never watched before. Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and god-king of the Daily Wire himself Jeremy Bore...
Gunmaker Colt is suspending production of rifles for personal use, including the popular and controversial AR-15 as lawmakers continue the fraught gun debate.
Coinbase's CEO Brian Armstrong said engaging in corporate activism would violate their inclusive work environment.
The relevant question in the abortion debate is whether the unborn child is not or is a person.
The National Education Association recently proposed a resolution that would strip the word "mother" from contracts and replace it with the term "birthing parent" instead.
On Monday’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled Secretary of State John Kerry on the United States’ strategy to defeat ISIS yet the NBC host failed to question Kerry on his recent inflammatory comments in which he suggested a rationale existed for the terrorists that attacked Charlie Hebdo's headquarters in January. 
WASHINGTON—Stressing that such an action would be highly reckless, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that releasing the “Nunes Memo” could potentially undermine faith in the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies of the United States. “Making this memo public will almost certainly impede our ability to conduct clandestine activities operating outside any legal or judicial system on an international scale,” said Wray, noting that it was essential that mutual trust exist between the American people and the vast, mysterious cabal given free rein to use any tactics necessary to conduct surveillance on U.S. citizens or subvert religious and political groups. “If we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.” At press time, Wray confirmed the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies were unaware of any wrongdoing for violating constitutional rights.
Matt Walsh calls out the hypocrisy of the Left's forgiveness of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau.
NEW YORK — Actor Rick Moranis was punched in the head on Thursday following an unprovoked attack near Central Park on Thursday, according to the NYPD. NEW YORK, NY – APRIL 12: Rick Mora…
Now that it's politically expedient for President Joe Biden to acknowledge the hand the Trump administration had in the vaccine, he's doing so. The tweet from the president's official account,