SAN FRANCISCO, CA - During a rally in Nancy Pelosi's district today, several prominent Democrats called for more nationwide lockdowns to combat the new COVID variants. 'It's important to understand - true lockdowns have never been tried,' said Pelosi. 'The last time we tried it, we had too many exceptions and the Trump Admin ...
Labor's plans for a kind of Aboriginal-only parliament look day by day like "the start of apartheid", Sky News host Andrew Bolt says. "Right now, believe it or not, Aborigines own through native title ... half of Australia, and have land claims that could increase their ownership to nearly two thirds of the continent – even though they make up just over three per cent of the population," Mr Bolt said. Mr Bolt discussed the issue with Quadrant Editor and historian Keith Windschuttle.
Anti-Trump groups to huddle over next steps as Washington dives into contested convention guide.
‘They’ve lost the scientific battle, so they’ve taken it legislative to enforce their views.’ Jordan Peterson’s comment applies to same-sex attraction.
A senior official with the AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, on Tuesday took an apparent swipe at millennials over the popular “OK, boomer” message, arguing that the older generations “actually ha
The latest revelations about Biden family influence peddling in China are having an adverse effect on the patriarch’s prospects of...
Twitter introduces a new feature called “Super Follows” that lets users charge for their content to subscribers those who “super” followed!
The comments are bound to hurt his standing amongst Florida's large Cuban population.
London is far safer, but a recent uptick in the British capital is cause for concern
The federal rule would make hospitals list the prices they negotiate with insurers, allowing consumers to seek better deals for care.
On October 23, TIME magazine dedicated an entire issue to the little-known but very radical globalist quest known as the Great Reset. What is the Great Reset? According to the World Economic Forum, its chief sponsor, “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously
The Taliban did a victory lap this week after U.S. military forces were officially withdrawn from Afghanistan. In the days following the U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, the Taliban held parades with American military hardware to celebrate the United States withdrawal after nearly 20 years of mili...
Calls are surfacing for Bill Maher to be replaced by Jon Stewart on Real Time according to new viral tweets. Maher has hosted HBO's Real Time for over 19 y...
In one of the rare seemingly newsworthy moments during Thursday’s CNN debate, Sen. Ted Cruz appeared to reject the possibility that he might attempt to ...
"I do not believe that the American public wants banks to decide which legal products consumers can and cannot buy."
President Trump had chest discomfort, prompting his visit to Walter Reed hospital, a tweet from an Army veteran and former VA employee claims.
SOUTH BEND, IN—According to sources, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has adopted her 8th child, a troubled local youngster named Hunter. In a touching story of love triumphing over all odds, the Barrett family fought for custody of Hunter and welcomed him into their family for the first time this week. "This family has love to spare,&qu …
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top disease expert in the U.S., said in an interview Sunday that health officials are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 Mu variant to see if it emerges to become more dominant.
MAR-A-LAGO — Anonymous sources are alleging that among the documents confiscated from Trump's residence were the top secret plans to the White House. These plans are said to reveal the building's only weakness: a thermal exhaust port only 2 meters wide.
Explaining their simultaneous resignations from Breitbart News, Michelle Fields and The Daily Wire's editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro joined Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly on Monday.
The Calgary Police came right to the door of the church where Sandra was speaking to warn her about a threat that they took seriously. Sandra Solomon has been portrayed in the news as a hate monger. But the media does not tell you the fact that Sandra was victim of rape and other horrible things while living under sharia law. She grew up in Saudi Arabia under 100% Sharia law, where women are considered to be a man's property. Sandra Solomon is a survivor and she lives to tell her story. Please watch and share these two videos in order to understand what she is fighting for. Sandra Solomon never called for violence and she is NOT preaching against any group of people. She simply criticizes the ideology of Islam and the Quran. So, if it was the Christianity and the Bible, they would just say it's freedom of speech. Right? Is it a crime to criticize an ideology? Is it a crime to criticize a religion? Especially when it was your OWN religion, under which you were raised and educated....
Milliennials say that "Secret Santa" gift exchanges in the workplace cause anxiety because they are worried about being stingy with gifts.
Despite Joe Biden’s rhetoric on the need to end fossil fuel extraction, and electrify transport, he seems to personally burn an awful lot of fossil fuel in his private jet trips. Perhaps Joe …
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Joe Biden announced today that he will be mandating a national vaccine passport in order for people to buy or sell or even hold a job. He suggested that a good form of this passport would be a forehead tattoo with the acronym for his campaign slogan "Build Back Better": "bb
Wyoming Republicans have officially let Rep. Liz Cheney know that she's fired. In a major landslide victory on Tuesday, Trump-endorsed candidate Harriet Hagemen demolished Cheney with over 60 percent of the vote.