Most Americans of all stripes flatter themselves that somehow we Americans are better than others. We soon shall see.
Mayor Adams likes to pat himself on the back for welcoming migrants with open arms to his sanctuary city. That is, until he actually has to follow through on those lofty promises.
A survivor from the devastating terror attack in Orlando, Florida, at gay nightclub, Pulse, says he has found Jesus as his personal savior and is no longer gay.
Atlantic writer Adam Serwer’s attack on social-conservative Trump supporters doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
According to many high profile Democrats, this kind of thing NEVER happens.
President Biden’s “cancellation” of student debt is indefensible.
If there is one thing that is bipartisan in Washington, it is brazen hypocrisy. Currently there is much indignation being expressed by Democrats because the Republican-controlled Senate refuses to hold confirmation hearings on President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.
Facts trump feelings. That's what anyone with an ounce of common sense will tell you when diving into the world of culture, politics, and social justice. One account on Twitter known as Hategraphs attempted to
The Trump economy continues with arguably the best economy in US history. Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of another 266,000 jobs! And the unemployment rate remains at historic lows of 3.5%! The White House continues to report that this economy could arguably be the best all time… because …
The expectation that an omniscient state can prevent every death has led us down a dark path
Florida didn't beat Alabama, but fans put on a show Saturday. Watch a video of fans singing Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down."
Charlie Crist looked around a state of 21 million people, and decided that his best option as a running mate was Randi Weingarten Jr.
The Trump campaign and the Branch Trumpidians would have you believe that Ted Cruz is out to steal the nomination from Trump. The Drudge Report and various other outlets and mouthpieces are strongl…
Deep in the stunning New Yorker piece that felled Eric Schneiderman is a remarkable revelation. One of his four alleged victims — who said he routinely choked, slapped and spit on her — was told by…
On Friday I wrote about a group of Republican lawmakers who are calling on the DOJ to fight the proliferation of hardcore pornography by enforcing existing obscenity laws. I support this effort and would like to see it taken even further. Ultimately, I believe that internet porn should be illegal. That probably can’t happen without […]
In this video, Thomas Sowell explains why he's voting for Trump and against Biden. 0:00- intro 0:24- On President Trump 2:15- Joe Biden's tax plan 3:26- on g...
The rising environmental concerns are primarily driving the kraft paper market. It is employed in the production of corrugated boxes, which are bio-degradable and used across several sectors, such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, freight forwarding, etc.
The bleaching powder manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the bleaching powder industry.
Cruz's Bronx visit was trending today...for all the wrong reasons.
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale will not provide details on the status of a Canadian former ISIS fighter who has confessed to an execution-style killing in Syria and is now home living in Toronto, citing operational details.
Creators had feared that this new policy would trigger a massive purge on the site.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) is already making excuses for the city's Antifa groups by blaming "white [supremacist] organizations" and President Trump for potential riots on Election Day and the