A person on the audience holds up an image of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets supporters and takes photos during a campaign event at the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, N.C., Monday, March 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn...
CNN contributor and former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is shocked by the news that an FBI agent allegedly altered a document used to attain a FISA warrant to spy on former Trump adviser Carter Page back in 2016, and through him on the entire Trump campaign. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status...
Former President Barack Obama, speaking at a recent fund raiser in Silicon Valley about the 15 remaining Democrats seeking the party's nomination for president, made this statement: 'The field will narrow and there's going to be one person, and if that's not your perfect candidate and there are certain aspects of what they say that you don't agree with and
The concept of 'vaccine passports' were first introduced last year, when COVID-19 vaccines were still undergoing clinical tests in laboratories run by pharmaceutical giants.
Paradoxically, the rising costs of war appear less sustainable for wealthy, democratic EU countries than they do for poor, isolated Russia.
FULL VIDEO CNN GOP debate result update: CNN Republican Presidential debate March 10 2016 Watch Live CNN GOP debate Miami result: Republican Presidential deb...
Former FBI Director James Comey once with talked with President Donald Trump about impaling the heads of leakers and jailing journalists, according to Comey's newly released memos.

Mike Bloomberg for President

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

A new choice for Democrats. Proven leadership for America. Join Mike Bloomberg's team.
Philadelphia police report they arrested 91 during the protests, riots, and looting that occurred overnight and on Tuesday morning.
A major airline has been accused by former employees of anti-religious discrimination after the corporation fired them for asking questions about the company's promotion of the Equality Act, an issue the company itself had proposed for discussion on a type of chat forum.
As we’ve all heard since the vax began rolling out, these mRNA jabs never got past animal testing because they were literally killing them. So how did the FDA allow them to move past that and go straight into humans? The Emergency Use Authorization.
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3236/what-pisses-me-off-about-the-brussels-terrorist-attack Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3236-wha...
Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren want states to decide their own marijuana policies. They're big federalism fans — when the GOP's running America.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is sinking like a rock in the latest national Democratic presidential primary polls -- a development that comes amid sustained criticism over the details of her "Medicare-for-all" plan.
THE SNP's new hate crime bill could criminalise free speech in people's own homes, MSPs have been told.
“When you’re going after an ex-president who may run again — this is automatically political,” Dan Crenshaw said.
It pains me at times to watch cable news. I say pain because there are people who routinely show up and who are likely making six figures. That's great for them. Capitalism is a wonderful thing.
We agree with President Trump: a spending bill like the one this March must never happen again. Congress currently is on a path to repeat that debacle.
Whatever we call it, impending climate doom is upon us if we don’t act quickly. But maybe branding can help.
No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.
Rampant inflation is forcing many Americans to put their retirement plans on hold.
Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan admitted during his speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies that George Bush ...
Joy Reid repeatedly claimed to have evidence that anti-gay posts on her old blog were fabricated by hackers Reid admitted on Saturday that she had no such evidence   MSNBC circulated a misleading s