New York let fraudsters make off with at least $11 billion in taxpayer cash as jobless claims soared during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

McMullin qualifies for Utah ballot

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin has qualified for the ballot in Utah, putting him one step closer to making a difference in the race for the White House.
Supreme Court justices likely will consider the petition during their private conference April 24, which means GovGuam could receive notice April 27.
Republican approval rating of the Supreme Court dropped 33-points after Friday’s decision (72% to 39%) in the Texas case.
The throng of container ships anchored off the coast of Southern California grew by 43% since President Biden’s announcement a month ago that the ports there would start working around the clock and ease supply chain woes.
The average American's Thanksgiving dinner is likely to increase by about 20%, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation's annual survey—by far the biggest jump recorded in the 37-year history of the report.
Trump delivered a rare scripted speech after shaking up his campaign leadership.
Women who get abortions are our mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. Why would anyone object to ensuring their safety?
Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy both got their COVID vaccines this weekend, they said on Twitter. Both senators say they trust the effectiveness of the vaccine. “Since this pandemic began, I’ve looked to public health officials to inform my decisions. That’s why, when the capitol attending physician made the vaccine available and my doctor recommended I get it, I…
If your troops won’t follow, can you really be considered a leader?

Kevin McCarthy's War Against MAGA

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined Mitch McConnell in sabotaging his own side to keep America First candidates out of office. No one is more responsible for the failure of a midterm 'red wave' to arrive.
A U.S. district judge on Monday denied a motion from three University of Texas professors who wanted to ban guns in their classroom after the state gave so
.03/04/2020 18:54:12PM EST.
Gov. Bill Lee announced the state will cover relocation expenses for law enforcement leaving states with 'restrictive mandates'
Elon Musk said on Friday that he'd support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president in 2024 if he decided to run, noting that he'd prefer a centrist.
Adnan Fazeli lived in Freeport, Maine with his wife and children. An Iranian refugee, he worked several jobs between 2009 and 2013, before boarding a plane to Turkey without his family. He never re
We didn't think it could happen, but feminists have managed to out-stupid themselves once again. Remember that one time feminists vowed to stop having reckless sex to stick it to pro-lifers? This is dumber!

YAF on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“The media can’t math, apparently. https://t.co/Bfogoqxfm7”
President Donald Trump has vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) because it fails to remove Section 230—the ...
During a Thursday press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rudely confirmed to a reporter that the Hyde Amendment "is not in the bill." As Mike Lillis reported for The
In what must be at least the twentieth media installment of "I can't be objective about this," MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski brought out her death stare as she reacted on Friday's Morning Joe show to Donald Trump's characterization of Hillary Clinton as a bigot — after several months during which Mrs. Clinton, her campaign and the press (but I repeat myself) have routinely called Trump or his rhetoric "racist." Apparently unaware that we heard her the first time, Brzezinski addressed Mr. Trump as if there, saying "You have no idea" three separate times, and also said, "I can't pretend and sort of try to cover this fairly and put it in a veil of objectivity." Why don't you tell us something we didn't already know?

Elise Stefanik on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“It is truly sad that the radical Far-Left cannot see beyond their vicious hate. My husband and I went grocery shopping this morning before district events and enjoyed chatting with constituents throughout the store. This vile anonymous note was left on our car.”
An explosion that shook downtown Nashville and injured at least three people Friday appears to have been "an intentional act," police said, as officials pointed to a suspicious vehicle that blew up at approximately 6:30 a.m. local time.
Wisconsin shoppers are shocked at the high price of Thanksgiving favorites.