Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor at the center of a sexual assault accusation against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has agreed to testify to representatives of the Senate Judiciary Committee sometime next week.
China’s errors, dating back to the very first patients, were compounded by political leaders who dragged their feet to inform the public of the risks and to take decisive control measures. The result is an epidemic that has gripped the global economy.
Direct evidence of massive election fraud in swing states during the 2020 election is widely known and understood by Americans who obtain their information from independent and conservative media. Tho...
TC Energy wants compensation for 13-year 'regulatory roller coaster'
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey over the construction of an improvised border wall made of shipping containers.
A word of caution about anyone who urges caution.
Sen. Richard Burr issued a warning at a private event weeks ago to prepare for dire effects from the coronavirus, going further than his more public comments, according to a recording obtained by NPR.
Project Veritas released a videoin which a campaign staffer allegedly said Warnock's policies align with the defund law enforcement movement. 
Here is a list of many of the things the Left ruins and often destroys.
Conservative college students across the country are starting conservative newspapers to challenge the dominant liberal narrative peddled on their campuses, students told the Daily Caller News Foundation. These student-run newspapers are often dedicated to providing a space for free speech and different perspectives due to…
Palantir Technologies co-founder Peter Thiel is evidently paying the price for backing Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Kimberley Strassel on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Indeed, which is why one question for Ford tomorrow needs to be: How and when did you retain attorney Debra Katz? Was Feinstein/Democrats involved in that, and/or polygraph? https://t.co/71SgpEP8z9”
Republicans are making direct aid to individuals and families a centerpiece of a relief plan to respond to the coronavirus crisis.
US TV networks project Raphael Warnock will become the first black senator for the southern state.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In his quest to find someone worthy of running Twitter after he steps down, Elon Musk announced this week that he has hidden 5 golden tickets in Tesla cars around the world. Each golden ticket winner will be given a lifetime subscription to Twitter Blue and a tour of the legendary Twitter headquarters.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) questions FBI Director Comey during the House Judiciary hearing titled, "Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." "What concerns me Director is when you have five immunity agreements and no prosecution... when you are allowing witnesses who happen to be lawyers sit in on an interview. That is not the FBI that I used to work with," Gowdy said to Comey on Wednesday. Watch the full hearing:
Sad Flake As has been just reported all over the interwebs the Judiciary Committee vote to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and a seat to the United States Supreme Court was approved 11-10 today in a non-suprising party-line vote. The part that did catch some people by surprise was a last minute negotiation by Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, and Sen. Jeff Coons to delay the floor | Read More »
The conduct we’ve witnessed is impeachable, yes. But let’s try to take the temperature down, rather than raising it.
Moderna President Stephen Hoge said Wednesday that the company could have a COVID-19 booster shot to combat the newly-discovered Omicron ...
Symone Sanders-Townsend brought up the tired Civil War talking point, asking why election-denying Republicans weren't booted from Congress.
Organizers are planning a Clown Lives Matter march Oct. 15 in reaction to the recent spate of frightening incidents -- both real and imagined -- spread in the news and on social media.
    On Sunday, New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC’s This Week that Kavanaugh’s lashing of Democrats during last week’s testimony should disqualify him from the Supreme Court. Yes — he really said that. Furthermore, if Kavanaugh were confirmed, said Nadler, he would be obligated to remove himself from cases involving congressional Democrats. During the hearing, Brett asserted he was being targeted by Democrats | Read More »
Democrats claimed that the bipartisan relief bill that was negotiated in the Senate was not good enough. Democrats promised that if given the opportunity, Nancy Pelosi and House liberals would do better. They lied. They failed. The bill that Nancy Pe