The White House state dinner honoring French President Emmanuel Macron was a who's who of Democratic elite featuring the biggest names in Hollywood, media and business.
Former Super Bowl Champion and Author Burgess Owens weighed in on Donald Trump’s visit to the Great Faith Ministries International ...
There are rumblings of a more ambitious agenda at HUD — one that liberals and conservatives might find appealing.
Austin-based conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was booked into the Travis County Jail on a charge of driving while intoxicated just after midnight Tuesday,
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The incoming Biden administration has floated LeBron James as its ambassador to China, sources learned today.James says he's 'excited' to be able to once again normalize relations between the two countries and make sure that the United States doesn't do anything to upset the world power, like call attention to its slave ...
"Record-setting inflation and the Fed is worried about calories."
By MICHAEL REAGAN Love Trump or hate Trump. Whatever you think about him, you have to admit that the mainstream liberal news media have been doing a
Brown University's student body president will be hand-delivering menstrual products to all nonresidential bathrooms on campus, including men’s rooms, with the help of 20 other students.
With the demise of the filibuster for judicial nominations, the Senate has become a more partisan body. Members of the opposition party no longer have...
Washington state already has a mandate. Contrary to Sen. Murray, it hasn’t helped arrest coronavirus.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an emergency bill Monday, extending the state's ban on residential evictions past its January 1 deadline.
HOLLYWOOD, CA - In a show of support for the brave hero who paused burning down black-owned businesses to sacrifice his life fighting off the evil assassin Kyle Rittenhouse, actor and keen observer of murder trials Mark Ruffalo donated $50 million to found The Joseph Rosenbaum Elementary School.'I heard he just loved little kids, especially boys ...
President Biden spoke at the 10th Annual National Gun Control Vigil Wednesday and said he wants to limit the number of bullets in a cartridge.
Dr. Milton Wolf is a solid conservative in Kansas who was targeted by the Mitch McConnell and the Republican Establishment back in 2014. He?s also a medical doctor and he says there?s m…
CALLER: So much of what I know about being a professional, balancing work and life, treating people of all levels with respect, I learned from him. And he's just a good, decent person.
A Tennessee man who amassed a collection of over 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and a variety of other sanitary supplies, such as face masks and anti-bacterial wipes, has been complaining that he hasn’t been able to sell them since his products were delisted from the Amazon marketplace. According to The New York Times, Matt Colvin […]
Archer Alexander made 21st Century Black Democrats “feel bad”,  – so they lobbied to have Boston remove him. There were several Fugitive Slave Acts in our American History – the last one in 1850,  – signed into law by President Millard Fillmore as one of his first official acts.  They weren’t repealed until 1864 – […]
The sheriff of Santa Cruz County in Arizona says he will start making arrests if shipping crates are placed along the border on federal lands.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party love to claim they represent America’s poorest people and care more about them than ...

Thomas Sowell on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
A total of 42 people were given the antibody cocktail at a vaccination clinic in Boone County in the southwestern part of the state this week.
Why does Kamala Harris laugh like a wild hyena? This is the question almost everyone in America wants the answer to. This woman, who is terrible at her job, really has nothing in life to laugh about unless she’s looking in a mirror, or across the table at Joe. Yet, she’s over there laughing like […]
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants who had pending deportation orders from countries of...