The ongoing release of hacked emails allegedly from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, has led to a number of high-profile stories about the former Secretary of State. These stories are incredibly important. However, a recently released email chain in which a Clinton ally voices her desire to intimidate SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts should set off alarm bells.
Rap star and Trump supporter Kanye West was the object of several racial attacks in a CNN segment Tuesday night, in which he was accused of being an illiterate token whom black people don’t want to be black.
Tarjinder Gill is an educationalist, social commentator, and teacher based in England. To watch the full discussion, follow this link: https://www.youtube.co...
Florida's GOP leaders want to punish Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google for taking steps against President Trump. These same GOP leaders have had nothing to say about the president's incitement of an insurrection, or in many cases to even acknowledge Joe Biden and the winner of a free and fair election. They're mad because the insurrection's leader can't tweet any longer.
Show some self-respect and reclaim your freedom
Last night we learned that the CIA warned Twitter about upcoming publicity for a book by former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.
DailyMail.com reveals just how closely linked Clinton is to a PAC which gave massive donation to a Virginia politician who is married to the FBI's deputy director, who led the probe into her secret emails.
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – An evangelical American pastor held in Turkey on terrorism charges will be sent b...
WASHINGTON, D.C.—As if Americans haven’t had enough bad news, there are now reports of a huge disaster in the making. Apparently President Donald Trump has started watching the documentary Tiger King on Netflix and has purchased seventeen tigers, which are currently roaming the White House.“This is worse than when he watched that Michael Bay …
Photos show teen gunman Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly flashing white-power symbols while downing beers with members of the Proud Boys — images prosecutors are using to stiffen his bond condition…
Democrats are eating their own identity groups in new and exciting ways.
Biden called the pro-democracy protests, an "assault on democracy"
On Sunday night, Justin Baragona at Mediaite caught CNN red-handed nine days before the election in the highly unprofessional act of fabricating claims that Donald Trump told a Colorado rally that they should vote repeatedly on Election Day.


Submitted 5 years ago by Maitri Shah

There are now only nine states in America that are not under stay-at-home orders by their governors. Utah, Wyoming, North
BATON ROUGE, La – Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin Thursday morning announced their offices have arrested an Amite City Councilman on eight counts of


Submitted 1 year ago by rajshpreeti yadav

This is jobhop
OPINION | Threats of impeachment, or worse, hang over a potential Clinton White House.
Late last year, Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for expressing his Christian belief that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman. The expression was made in a 162-page devotional that Cochran wrote
The head of the St. Louis Federal Reserve raised eyebrows during an interview Sunday when he suggested requiring daily coronavirus testing
London urges Beijing to agree to UN visit over Uyghurs
The inmate will have to bear all the costs incurred during their prison stay.
Penn State professor Sam Richards challenged straight students in his sociology class to watch gay or lesbian porn to discover a new side to their sexuality.

Captain Higgins: The Witness

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Clay Higgins, candidate for Congress in Louisiana, outlines the need for prison reform in America.