If there were a “common sense” gun regulation that could unfailingly foil mass shootings, we would have adopted it long ago.
CDC employees will also learn about the over-policing of communities of color and racism as a public health crisis.
Gosh ... feds coming to your door if you haven't been vaccinated. That sounds pretty damn authoritarian to us, just sayin'.
Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday signed a bill allowing teachers and education staff to carry guns in schools with just 24 hours of training.
An Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Commander (IRGC) stated that Iran will not stop building up its military until Israel is annihilated.
Authorities say Bangladesh-born immigrant Akayed Ullah, 27, burned himself and a handful of others when he attempted to ignite a pipe bomb.
‎Show Auxoro, Ep Zuby: Smashing the Women's Deadlift Record, Toxic Compassion, and Talking to Strangers - Aug 9, 2019
Wow: Joe Biden’s staff won’t even let him do a “spontaneous” Q&A session without a script. Is he really that far gone? Obsessive scripting is the only explanation for what happened at last week…
The nation's largest teachers union will conduct opposition research on CRT opponents.
Folks, you just hate to see it—you hate to see it so much that you can't look away, not for a second:
The House’s entire legal team would like, first and foremost, to express its gratitude and respect for Judge Rosemary Collyer in issuing this historic and profound decision. The opinion is attached...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) may be on his way out of Congress after the end of this term.
The Department of Defense and federal health agencies have outlined plans for a coronavirus vaccine, which include having them available for free for all Americans.
The Democrats have a problem: They have run away from their core voters. And they are beginning to notice and worry. Lefty blogger Kevin Drum noted this recently. He observes that Republi…
Geraldo Rivera slammed President Joe Biden for planning to "whore" himself in a trip to Saudi Arabia to push for more oil exports.
Officials at the University of Illinois at Urbana--Champaign, the semi-prestigious flagship school of the state's college system, attempted to prohibit a student-led memorial honoring victims of the S
In 2008, a young, fresh-faced African American junior senator promised the American public that if he was elected President of the United States, he would have the most “transparent administration ?
This week, the gay news site Pink News posted and then deleted a fawning profile of a gay couple with a troubling age gap.
During the Democratic primary last year, every single candidate on stage raised their hand to support the idea of giving government health care to illegal immigrants. President Trump and many
St. Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell wants an apology of Minnesota DFL state Rep. John Thompson, saying the lawmaker unfairly accused a police sergeant of racial profiling.
The protesters from Animal Rebellion brought their own lunches and occupied areas of the restaurant for three hours
The media has attempted to paint the Ahmed clock mishap in pretty bigoted way, but after listening to Mark Cuban it?s hard to wonder if there wasn?t an alternative motive going on here.…
We conservatives need to get our heads right about the mid-terms or liberals will end up guzzling patriot tears and their gloating will be flat-out intolerable
Things are going to get worse before they get better at this rate. 