County is on track to have more than 900 homicides this year
Justice Thomas signals the potential for regulation of social media platforms and their power over speech.
Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally, or RN) made historic gains in Sunday’s French parliamentary election second round, on track to win 90 seats according to projections…

Miguel Dante on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Haha! Perfectly Timed Photo shows President Obama with Horns while meeting with Pope Francis:”
Tax Reform and Improved Outlook Spurs Generous Move by One of Virginia's Fastest Growing Employers

VERONA, Virginia,...


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

As the entire world knows by now, Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse was assasinated inside of his home. A few hours after his death 26 Colombians and two Americans were arrested for allegedly p…
Hillary Clinton, who said just months ago that "we must stand up for trans people," indicated that trans rights shouldn't be a top issue for Democrats in the midterms.

The Jones Plantation

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

One cannot change reality by changing the words you use to describe reality. Look beneath the rhetoric, and glimpse the truth.
Lorde canceled after coming under pressure from BDS, the hard-left movement which advocates for financial and cultural boycotts of Israel.
A U.S. appeals court in Denver said Electoral College members can vote for the presidential candidate of their choice and aren’t bound by the popular vote in their states.
Voters in 2016 and 2018 showed a clear preference for Trump nominees’ originalist philosophy.
So this happened today. VIDEO: Texas House votes 76-4 to send the Sergeant-of-Arms to detain or arrest fleeing members pic.twitter.com/aeScWbXlCn — Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) July 13, 2021...
The Lakeland grocery chain said it will not explain its decision “at this time.”
FAIRFAX, VA—In the wake of Monday’s tragic Nevada school shooting in which a 12-year-old student killed a teacher and wounded two classmates, representatives from the National Rifle Association pushed for all teachers around the country to kee...
The State Department Friday released a trove of emails from Huma Abedin that the feds discovered on her husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop — including at least five that were marked as “classified.” M…
President Trump on Saturday ripped media coverage of his remarks earlier this week in which he declared himself "the chosen one" to take on decades of unfair Chinese trade practices, emphasizing he was speaking sarcastically.
Jake Gardner -- an Omaha bar owner recently charged with manslaughter after shooting a man outside his business -- has committed suicide.

Biden's Unhinged Big Lie

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The president compared election integrity to "the Ku Klux Klan campaigns of violence and terror."
As Joe Biden met with wind industry executives at the White House on Thursday, the gaffe-prone illegitimate commander-in-chief obliviously held

The Year in “Diversity Fatigue”

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Diversity is increasingly the scapegoat when something old and reliable begins to falter, from ESPN’s ratings to comic-book sales.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared healthy on Monday during a public appearance at the University at Buffalo, three days after completing a three-week course of radiation therapy in New York to treat a tumor found on her pancreas.
Dramatic footage is but latest in series of incidents outraging Australians: "police have lost all commonsense!"
Despite the best efforts by the Democrat-media complex and the execrable RINOs who are helping them, the revelations about what truly transpired during the