"In the latter role, I am getting ready to teach @JoeBiden a lesson he will never forget. He falsely accused a 17-year old boy & prejudiced Kyle’s legal rights."
As the vote for the infrastructure bill nears in the Senate, conservative groups are urging the Republicans to vote against the bill.
The case of Jose Alba reminds us that progressive prosecutors don't always apply their principles when they're inconvenient.

Obama’s phony war

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The president is more interested in fighting Republicans than the Islamic State.
Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada and arguably the most woke, virtue-signalling and PC-crazed leader in the history of Mankind turns out to have a rather cracked halo?
Joe Biden in 1985 hearing, screen image According to Senate transcripts obtained by The Gateway Pundit Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) dropped the N-word in a public Senate hearing in 1986. In the 1986 hearing of Jeff Sessions to be US District Judge for the Southern District of Alabama Joe Biden was one of two senators…
The court will take up the issue of whether to outlaw pre-viability abortions next term.
White House communications director Kate Bedingfield is stepping down from her position, according to the Biden administration's chief of ...
Those polled also favor sending American ground troops to fight ISIS.
Like Hong Kong, it is navigating the choppy waters of relations with the same large and menacing mainland neighbor.
A majority of Cuban Americans support President Donald Trump and plan to vote for him in November, according to a new Florida International University poll. The FIU Cuba Poll released Friday showed 59% of Cuban American registered voters intend to vote for Trump, compared with 25% who say they will vote for Democrat Joe Biden. Another 10% were undecided and…
Vice president to be sent abroad to raise her profile
The tea manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the tea industry.

A Ted Cruz moment for me

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The confidence to engage rather than avoid.
As part of a vastly increasing Libertarian movement in the Land of Enchantment, Libertarian Lloyd Princeton has announced his candidacy for United States Congress, and conducted an interview with 71 Republic.
Donald Trump announced Tuesday afternoon that he would release the full transcript of his phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky.
Forty percent of Democrats are "happy" that Trump contracted the Chinese coronavirus, according to a Morning Consult/Politico survey.
The Fordham Institute slyly advocates for action civics, also known as 'protest civics,' in its assessment of each state’s content standards.
What appeared to be throngs of hundreds of protesters remained at the home of the president of Sri Lanka as of Tuesday.
Rep. Chris Gibson is rounding up fellow Republicans to support a climate resolution -- and hoping for a meaningful agreement out of Paris.
There are rumors Democrats crafted a memo that will be heavily edited, just so they can claim they were edited and the GOP wasn't.
Our system allows some liberal companies to bring in people they want for their jobs with no regard for the rest of the country.
Twitter users are flooding the #ProudBoys hashtag on social media with images of LGBTQI+ pride, displacing posts made by neo-Nazis and white supremacists using the tag.
House Republicans have released an addendum to their Origins of COVID-19 report released last year, concluding that evidence points to a leak from a Chinese lab.
True the Vote has reason to believe those involved in the next-day delivery of ballots were from out of state.