Cuba's regime will allow opposition parties to operate, but power will be in the hands of a dominant, PRI-like party controlled by the military.
A pair of suspected U.S. missile strikes killed a senior Pakistani Taliban deputy and other militants in the border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan, officials said on Friday.
Some may choose not to eat at the chain for reasons of personal morals or tastes, but buying food there is not and will not be considered a criminal act.
First Lady Melania Trump provided a positive update on the status of her COVID-19. She wrote “My family is grateful for all of the prayers & support! I am feeling good & will continue to rest at home.” “Thank you to medical staff & caretakers everywhere, & my continued prayers for those who are ill […]

What the Hell

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

The Demonic in Contemporary Culture.
Super PAC releases new Ted Cruz ad, drops 450K mail pieces in SC & IA; combined PACs commit 6-figures as consensus for Cruz builds.
The White House budget proposal contains a new proposal for reforming food stamps that would replace the current debit card-based system with one that directly provides American-grown foods to households.
On Thursday, new acts were added to New York City’s list of what constitutes “hate.” The NYC Commission on Human Rights announced “new legal enforcement guidance and actions against discrimination based on immigration status and national origin.” The new crimes include, according to a press release from the commission, “Threatening to call [Immigration and Customs […]
Gavin Newsom, screen image California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) told family members to wear face masks “in between bites” of food when dining out. Further proof that mask mandates have nothing to do with a virus. Newsom is a Democrat tyrant drunk on power. Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?…
The mainstream media is putting in zero effort when it comes to their defense of President Joe Biden. This latest example is in response to Biden's illegal actions in violation
President Joe Biden finds himself far underwater with voters, facing foreign crises and increasingly scary inflation figures — all of which attract comparisons to America's 39th president, Jimmy Carter.
On the heels of Donald Trump's comment during a "Fox News Sunday" interview that fellow Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is "a little bit of a maniac," Cruz took to Twitter Sunday afternoon and delivered his rebuttal. "In honor of my friend @realDonaldTrump and good-hearted #Maniacs everywhere,"...
On Wednesday night, MSNBC’s Brian Williams asked Aiden Minoff and his brother Brandon about what they witnessed during the Parkland High School shooting, and what they knew about the suspect Nicolas Cruz.
While they might be convenient and sometimes in need, these are not 'rights' that warrant government infringement on the rights of others to secure them.
Former Katie Hill staffers allegedly took over Hill's government Twitter account Tuesday evening.
Pennsylvania now requires individuals filing for unemployment compensation to prove their identity before receiving payments. In an effort ...
Thankfully, the suspect's violent spree was interrupted by an armed citizen.  
The friend of the terrorist couple behind the Dec. 2 attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino has been arrested in connection with the case, Fox News has confirmed.
Chinese security blocked Trump's military aide. Then things got physical
By Simon Carraud and Geert De ClercqPARIS, Oct 3 (Reuters) - A 45-year-old IT assistant at the police headquarters in central Paris went on a knife rampage ...
Critical race theory continuing to be taught despite Trump ban...
Shocking video shows antifa members assaulting a group of Christians, including children, who were gathering in Portland, Oregon Saturday for a scheduled prayer event.

Angle: Stolen Futures

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Young Americans need responsible adults in charge who will tell them hard truths when necessary. But with Dems running our schools, public health, Congress and the White House, our kids have been fed nothing but lies and half-truths.
The latest polls of the Republican presidential primary show a party badly divided by education: Donald Trump’s strong showings are entirely attributable to huge leads among voters without a colleg…
Trump Slams Gun Free Zones During Listening Session on School Shootings - Katie Pavlich: Speaking from the White House Wednesday, President Trump slammed gun .02/21/2018 18:55:46PM EST.