"They just don't want us on the Internet," Parler's CEO complained.
Legendary newswoman Barbara Walters, creator of ABC's "The View" died Friday at age 93. In her career, Walters interviewed countless high-profile figures.
Volker Beck also said Germans shouldn’t worry about migrants speaking their own language.
The Iranian parliament has approved a bill aimed at bringing Iran's laws in line with international standards and allowing the country to join the UN convention against the funding of terrorism, or CFT.
It’s no secret that many relationships are being put to a test of endurance during Trump’s coronavirus pandemic. As monogamy has began to be rightfully phased out, being replaced with a healthier polygamous culture, many relationships are feeling strain when one of the party’s members gets infected. Liberals across the nation have to make a …
Facebook, as part of its preparations ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration, is removing all content containing the phrase “stop the steal,” and is treating the two weeks leading up to the ceremony as a “major civic event.”
Despite the ugly debate that followed Court arguments, the anguish of making an adoption plan for a newborn cannot justify snuffing out its life instead.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) took a shot at Congress and the federal government during his inauguration speech on Tuesday, pointing to the Sunshine State as proof the country is “not destined for failure.”
We need to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered reforms—and our plan does just that. It’s a step-by-step approach that ensures every American has access to quality, affordable health care. We believe people should have more choice—and more control—over their health care needs, and not be under the thumb of Washington bureaucrats.
ATLANTA, GA—On a live broadcast today, CNN reporter Jim Acosta struck a mighty blow against racism by checking how many bats he could fit in his mouth.The CNN journalist was worried his station might be flirting with racism since they have reported on the coronavirus scandal even though China would like everyone just to pretend everything is fine. T …
Stop trivializing the term “coup”. It’s a real thing the US government really inflicts on other countries in a way that actually does topple governments and cause immense destruct…
Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett gave a whirlwind testimony over the course of two days during the trial that saw him vehemently state in no uncertain terms that the allegations are "100% false" despite what the Osundairo brothers previously testified on the witness stand.
Prince Harry's memoir, "Spare," set to be released on Tuesday, is the latest in a string of public revelations made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
The debt crisis has driven many Puerto Ricans to Central Florida—and changed the landscape of the archetypal battleground state.
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Democratic Congressman Beto O'Rourke of Texas still has work to do when it comes to energizing Latino voters in his race against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. O'Rourke needs a broad electorate in November to have a chance at pulling off one of the biggest upsets of the 2018 midterms. His path to victory includes getting more Latinos to the polls, which Texas Democrats have struggled to do for decades. Texas ranks near the bottom in voter turnout. And while the state's booming Hispanic population is on pace to outnumber whites as early as 2022, voters with Spanish surnames accounted for fewer than 1 in 5 votes in 2016.
The mainstream media claims that hospitals in NY are so overwhelmed with “Coronavirus” (“Covid-19”) patients that it’s “like a warzone”. People in positions of power have used this fear and hype to devastate the economy [...]
'Incitement of insurrection'
Another attempt to cancel Chappelle by someone who ain't that guy.
Games distributor Limited Run Games has fired their community manager, seemingly over public outcry for who they follow on Twitter. “LRG respects all personal opinions, however we remain committed to supporting an inclusive culture,” the company said. “Upon investigating a situation, an employee was terminated. Our goal as a company is to continue to foster a […]
Facebook’s system allows advertisers to exclude black, Hispanic, and other “ethnic affinities” from seeing ads.
In an effort to fight "fake news" before the November midterm elections, Facebook has shut down over 800 accounts and pages accused of spreading "misinformation," including many conservative pages, some with millions of followers.
A Harvard University department chair and two Chinese nationals who were researchers at Boston University and a Boston hospital were charged on Tuesday with lying about their alleged links to the Chinese government.
Gabbard rejects her own party's methods.
An undercover video from a whistleblower given to Project Veritas exposes a young, black congressional candidate in Arizona as a grifter.