According to The New Yorker, which published an article about the controversial meeting Donald Trump had with members of the press, Trump decided to attempt to humiliate Mitt Romney, who had met with Trump, by claiming Romney “desperately wants” to be Secretary of State . The New Yorker reported:
Former President Barack Obama came to Miami on Friday to campaign for Andrew Gillum who is running for Florida governor as well as for the nearly invisible incumbent senator, Bill Nelson. CNN was on hand to cover the rally and picked one of the people in the crowd "at random" to interview. During the course of the interview, it was revealed that the "random" person just so happened to be the mother of Gillum.
Hundreds of thousands of children could die this year due to the global economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and tens of millions more could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the crisis, the United Nations warned on Thursday.
With Fed manipulation and Biden's policy of debt and deficit spending, an epic bust would not be a matter of if, but when.
A federal court ruled on Monday that a faith-based women's shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, was allowed to remain open exclusively for women
And therefore, the Biden classified documents.
Bring the Red Wave to Michigan; support John James in his race against the left’s career politician, Debbie Stabenow.
"We now are laser focused on that," the congressman said on Sunday
NORWICH, VT - The nation has fallen in love with the now-famous picture of Bernie Sanders sitting grumpily and wearing big mittens at Biden's inauguration. After being turned into a widely-shared meme, the Vermont Senator is enjoying a massive windfall of cash from his meme earnings. After giving some to charity, he will be buying a fourth house, ...

A tyranny of hurt feelings

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

In 2022, we must challenge the cult of ‘emotional safety’.
The dog made no noise, because no stranger was there....
That didn't Take Long... AG Sessions has resigned, and Rosenstein removed from overseeing the special counsel. Democrats have planned Protests tomorrow. So tRusty Resist bot just told me they are protesting.... If you are a Republican who wants to keep tabs on these types of things....
A slump in factory output and a hit to employment indicators as the globe buckled under the coronavirus pushed the Chicago Federal Reserve’s monthly index...
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A Republican county commissioner based outside Chicago lashed out at Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx this week after gunfire at an Oak Brook shopping mall left at least four people wounded – and sent Christmas shoppers scrambling for safety.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell booted two Republican lawmakers from a powerful Senate committee on Wednesday after an unsuccessful attempt last year to oust him from his leadership position…
The Navy said the Iranians conducted “dangerous and provocative actions” which “increased the risk of miscalculation and collision.”
Officials in the nation's capital are facing backlash after they called for "permanent fencing" to go up around the U.S. Capitol Building in response to the riot that broke out earlier this month.
President Joe Biden extended Kwanzaa greetings Sunday on social media to people celebrating the holiday.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) slammed members of the "Squad" for their outcry on the House floor Friday over a vote to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The government should cancel its multibillion-dollar order for new Air Force One presidential planes, Donald Trump declared Tuesday, serving notice he's ready to jump in and start making decisions six weeks before his inauguration. Costs for the two Boeing 747s are "totally out of control,"...
"...it wasn't my choice to leave."
There are a couple of good reasons for this.
The Securities and Exchange Commission said in a statement Friday morning that it is “closely monitoring the extreme price volatility of certain stocks...