A Louisiana mother fatally shot a home invader early on Sunday morning in Tangipahoa Parish. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene over a report of shots fired shortly after 5 a.m. The deceased alleged burglar Robert Rheams, 51, of Hammond, had reportedly broken into the home with a lug wrench and shovel. […]
The New York Times reported late Monday that an FBI investigation into potential ties between Republican presidential Donald Trump and Russian leadership found
The FBI began formally investigating abortionist Douglas Karpen in May, bringing hope that he might held accountable for butchering innocent lives.
The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) created a forecasting model that projects future coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States overall, as well as in individual states. NPR reported that IHME “produced projections very similar” to the model that White House officials were using for their projections. IHME’s modelers […]
Formed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is the Federal Government’s path-breaking mobilization of public and private s
Aides to President Biden have reporatedly found more classified documents at a location other than the one that he used after the Obama administration.
Why would any sane person even consider joining the Baltimore Police Department?

Malkin: Sinking Sleaze-Bob Menendez

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Do you smell a rat?
The U.S. State Department opposed Hillary Clinton's bid to avoid further testimony into a case involving email secrecy and the Benghazi terrorist attack. State joined with Judicial Watch in insisting that Clinton could not get out of her deposition by invoking mandamus.
California has some of the strictest policies in the country and some of the worst numbers.
Democrats are attacking a GOP-requested CBO score of their spending bill that assumes programs will be extended permanently.
When Joe Biden announced on Twitter in August 2020 that Kamala Harris would be his running mate, the pronouncement was met with fawning.
After trailing registered Democrats since Colorado ballots were mailed out Oct. 17, Republicans in the state have taken the lead in early voting on the eve of Election Day.
Doctors nationwide are burnt out and unsatisfied. The government deserves much of the blame.
Post with 0 votes and 199 views. Joe Biden reacts to Bernie Sanders dropping out...
U.S. - A dangerous, far-right extremist has suggested that we treat people of all races equally, shocked and horrified sources confirmed Friday. The hateful bigot has been canceled for his controversial comments that people should be treated with respect no matter their skin color.'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in ...
Ilhan Omar's bill to combat Islamophobia has pushback from President Biden's administration and House Republicans.
When leftists aren't tearing down noble statues, they're putting up ugly ones.
Governor Hassan upended Senator Ayotte, a rising star in Washington, in a race that cost about $120 million, a jaw-dropping sum for such a small state.
‎Show Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo, Ep S13E3: COVID-19: Americans’ Health in China’s Hands - Apr 9, 2020
Joe Biden has not even been inaugurated and we are already seeing the disastrous results of his stated policies from behind a podium in a made-up office.
During a debate on a bill to combat Islamophobia, Rep. Scott Perry alleged that Rep. Ilhan Omar is affiliated with terrorist groups.
The Minnesota Legislature is considering a bill that would require all public and charter schools to make menstrual products available.
I’m from the rural midwest. I now live in Washington, D.C. All of this talk about coastal elites needing to understand more of America has it backwards.
President Trump took part in the Easter blessing from the Oval Office today, Good Friday, ahead of a somber Easter weekend. Though the nation is suffering through the coronavirus crisis that is affecting nearly everyone, the President’s message was one of hope. “Thank you very much on this Good Friday,” the President said. “Christians from …