The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire ignited a social media firestorm this week when it called for the legalization of child labor.
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The Did-Something Candidate

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Scott Walker stands out in the 2016 field for running on his record. How does it stack up?
UNESCO has been a political tool used by authoritarian regimes and left-leaning organizations to advance their political agendas.
While the number of migrants entering Europe has declined, reports claim as many as 660,000 people still remain in Libya waiting to migrate.
You knew this was going to happen. Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday morning, “I don’t think there should be any debates.” Then she added, “I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him.” Anyone paying attention knew this was coming. There is no way in hell senile Joe Biden can stand in a debate with…
Baby formula manufacturer Abbott Nutrition on Monday said it has reached an agreement with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a path to restart operations at its Sturgis, Mich., plant. The f…
What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Dylann Roof? Dylann Roof isn't a friend and colleague of an American president who enjoyed a cushy life in academia before retiring to life as the kind of author who's invited on-the-air by the mainstream media to hawk his books.
George H.W. Bush apologized to actress Heather Lind for an alleged of 'sexual assault' while posing for a publicity photo.
The Obamas have been quietly making moves behind the scenes and waiting for the right time to go after President Donald Trump. But with 25 Democrats running for president, the former first family is apparently having a hard time picking one candidate to endorse. While speaking with CBS host Gayle King over the weekend at …
A commercial lobster diver was swallowed by a whale off the Massachusetts coast Friday but made it out alive with only minor injuries.
Bill Maher bashes Disinformation Governance Board: "They're right to compare this to Orwell and the Ministry of Truth. That's exactly what it sounds like ...
As the last days of June wane, polls are showing Donald Trump gaining on leader Jeb Bush in the hunt for the 2016 Republican nomination in New Hampshire.
CNN's reporting on the Trump-Russia dossier has left out at least one crucial fact: the close ties between the network and the opposition research firm at the center of the dossier controversy. CNN
For years, we have discussed the unrelenting attacks on free speech in Europe with the expansion of hate speech laws and the general criminalization of speech, including international speech crimes…
There are currently 5,200 American service members stationed in Iraq.
President Joe Biden fumbled during a press conference at the G-7 summit Sunday, mixing up “Libya” and “Syria” – not once, but three times – while discussing humanitarian aid to countries torn apart by civil war.
Ted Cruz said Donald Trump shouldn't apologize "for speaking out against the problem that is illegal immigration"
A Syrian man was arrested in northeastern Germany on Tuesday morning for allegedly planning a bomb attack with high explosives seeking to kill a large number of people, authorities said.
The 37-year-old mayor unveiled the proposal he refers to as the 'Douglass Plan,' named after famed abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass.
(Gateway Pundit) – This wasn’t supposed to happen!Black Lives Matter were having a perfectly fine protest against cops in Florida on Friday when several members of the local motorcycle club interrupted their march by revving their engines as they drove through the protest.Of course, the cop-hating
A reporter with a local Fox affiliate went off script during live television on Monday to claim that she was being muzzled and that she intended to release recordings to James O'Keefe's Project Veritas.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Ca.) says he wants Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States, because she has done a spectacular job handling her current vice
By Printus LeBlanc On Tuesday, a radical Islamist launched a terrorist attack against pedestrians and cyclists, blocks from the World Trade Center in New York. The terrorist adopted the tactics of other attackers in Europe by using a vehicle as a weapon, in this case, a rented Home Depot truck. Shortly after the suspect was subdued by police, his identity …