The Emmy Awards hit a new low in viewership on Monday night, with its estimated audience of 5.9 million people, even smaller than the COVID-19-disrupted ceremony two years ago.
Video has surfaced on Twitter showing young Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters flipping off and cussing out Donald Trump supporters.

Alex Salvi on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“Here is the full monologue given by Ricky Gervais at the #GoldenGlobes: https://t.co/CE4UzGKP3O”
Why Meghan Daum, Bret Easton Ellis, and Wesley Yang reject social justice movements on the left
American and Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology planned  to create a novel coronavirus not found in nature, according to a grant proposal.
Record inflation is wreaking havoc on Americans’ lives.
The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington.
READ FULL STORY @ The Gateway Pundit THE MAN WHO SAW THE MICHIGAN STEAL Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Michigan from Trump to Biden. The media has called this “unsubstantiated” but Trejo describe it to The Gateway Pundit in full detail. No media outlet has contacted or spoken with Trejo
Has the COVID-19 pandemic finally taught America a lesson about its government?
Some Democrats are wary of keeping Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a leadership position after the 2022 midterms, CNN reported.
Security sources in the Sunni states mostly applaud the assassination of Quds Force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the IRGC, and his deputy in Baghdad, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the leader of Iraq's Kataeb Hezbollah. "There has long been a hostile feeling by the Arabs and [Sunni] Muslims toward Qassem Soleimani," said Nabil Al-Otoom, a Jordanian analyst focusing on Iran. "The American move drew a strong positive reaction from public opinion in the region, and a strengthened U.S.
The New York Post reported that the Biden Cancer Initiative, founded by Joe Biden, spent millions on salaries but did little about cancer.
Please don’t call 911 unless it’s really, really an emergency.
He gave Democrats a better shot at retaking Florida’s governor’s mansion, but he will still lose. Charlie Crist is looking to reclaim his former job, but this time as a
A former college student spoke out on On the Record after being labeled a "shady person of color" (SPOC) for speaking out against "safe spaces" on college campuses.
“Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy is premature until Palestinians accept the Jewish state,” Middle East Forum (MEF) President Daniel Pipes has written in advocacy of MEF’s Israel Victory Project (IVP). The rabid records of Palestinian Authority (PA) diplomats worldwide likewise show that these rogues remain more interested in vitriol aimed at Israel’s destruction rather than any constructive diplomacy and ?
Iran's muted response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani has de-escalated the situation in the Middle East. So why are Democrats cowering in fear of the Iranian regime?
A disability service coordinator in the Milwaukee area has come forward with evidence that all 20 of her clients had their votes stolen from them.
"Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data," and CDC and FDA aren't providing it, Oregon state senators tell U.S. attorney.
The copper II sulfate production cost analysis report is based on the latest economic data, and it presents comprehensive and detailed insights regarding the primary process flow, raw material requirements, reactions involved, utility costs, operating costs, capital investments, pricing and margins.
Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say they have seen shoplifting jump at least 15 percent since California voters reduced theft penalties 1½ years ago.
The brothers' burial together in Normandy is a culmination of improbable events that included the review of a grave marked “unknown” in Belgium, a high school history project, a military forensics team review and a family gathering in Nebraska.
The nation’s most powerful law enforcement agency is in shambles. Following a series of internal investigations, in addition to extensive reporting on the misconduct of former top officials, the Fe…
Was Robin Hood a socialist? No, but as said in a great quote by Ayn Rand about him, his legend has been turned into one of socialism and wealth redistribution.