Laurel Duggan  American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten shared an article that claimed parents do not have a right to shape what their
A top retired Coast Guard official is calling out the Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for being an "ideological purge" against religious service members who are being denied exemptions.
Is the issue, as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the liberals who can't see past the ends of their noses really all about guns and gun laws? Or is it an issue of an ideology that wants to destroy all who don't think and believe as they do? Watch this video and decide for yourself!
The F.B.I. seized the recording in a raid. Its existence recording highlights the potential legal and political danger that Mr. Cohen represents to the president.
Footage of a shirtless Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, singing "This Land Is Your Land" while on their honeymoon in the Soviet Union was unearthed and disseminated widely on social media this week.
Gen. Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser for President Donald Trump who was pardoned by the president, said that Trump has clear paths to victory.
Many people are under the impression the National School Boards Association has retracted their letter and apologized.
As recently as 1976, a majority of Canadian children had a stay-at-home parent. Today, that number has dropped to a mere 18 percent.
BILL CLINTON: “Did you see how dark it was? Reporter: Yes Clinton: I think that it is likely that more people would have been killed. All I know is this. We ...
A recent report from Campus Reform illuminates the astonishing prejudice on college campuses against conservative speakers and the universities’ predilection for liberal ones.
Joe Biden's pick for Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget is frantically deleting old tweets ahead of a close confirmation vote requiring GOP senators' support.
There has been speculation over the last few weeks that Facebook would eventually change it’s company name, and now we have received official word as to what
The increasing requirement for casein in snacks and baked food items for enhancing the texture and improving nutritional content is primarily propelling the GCC casein market. Apart from this, the escalating demand for natural and organic sources to sustainably manufacture this protein without artificial additives and hormones is further driving the market growth.
During his show on Tuesday night, CBS host Stephen Colbert took it upon himself to sing Democratic Congressional Candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s praises. And he topped it all off by claiming Jesus was a socialist. Ocasio-Cortez is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, and darling of the Democratic Party. It’s no wonder Colbert has been quick to support her, despite her being endorsed by the New York City chapter of the radical left-wing group, the Democratic Socialists of America.
PIERS MORGAN: Adam Schiff's insane insistence on pushing Trump's impeachment through to the Senate has given the president a huge win ahead of the 2020 election and needing a Hail Mary.
The Nasdaq stock exchange is seeking U.S. authority to require more diversity in the boardrooms of Nasdaq-listed companies, or to explain why they can not
Our sister site is in a battle over telling the truth.
Arizona families keep winning on school choice, defeating teachers union that tried to stop law even after it was signed. Here’s how to be victorious.
Hank Paulson, George W. Bush's treasury secretary, who presided over both the meltdown of the U.S. economy and the subsequent bailout of his close friends and associates, has endorsed Hillary Clinton.
NBC and Marist also surveyed the governor's races in Michigan and Minnesota.
DeepClips.com -- During the CNN election coverage Tuesday of the Iowa caucus, a panel was discussing overlap of college-educated white voters between two of the campaigns, when from off-camera, a voice similar to that of Anderson Cooper cou…
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden on Wednesday formally embraced citizenship rights for 11 million illegal immigrants and a full erasure of all of President Trump’s get-tough border policies, as part of the party’s new unity platform.
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Aluminium Can Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities…
“If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern,” Justice Alito said.