On Monday I wrote a column explaining my revolutionary position that human beings are more important than apes. I felt it necessary to write a piece elaborating on this provocative concept after witnessing the National Outrage over the gorilla that was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo. For those who didn't hear about...
BBC exec: "If you're going to assemble a team now it’s not going to be six Oxbridge white blokes."
Speaking on “Fox & Friends First” on Wednesday, former acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director Tom Homan reacted to former Vice President Joe Biden’s comment that he thinks the agency should not deport drunk driving illegal aliens saying, “I think Joe Biden has lost his mind.”
President Donald Trump's legal team issued a statement on Sunday distancing itself from attorney Sidney Powell after Powell has generated controversy with
The continent is already in crisis, and these might be the good days.

Glick: Iran's Chess Board

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Strategic thinking has always been Israel’s Achilles’ heel. As a small state bereft of regional ambitions, so long as regional realities remained more or less static, Israel had little reason to be concerned about the great game of the Middle East. But the ground is shifting in the lands around us. The Arab state system, which ensured the strategic status quo for decades, has collapsed. So for the first time in four generations, strategy is again the dominant force shaping events that will impact Israel for generations to come.
In the past couple of months, Republicans and government officials who work for President Trump have received death threats, and followed to their cars.
A dad who paid for his daughter's education confronted Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren over student loan forgiveness: 'Can I have my money back?'
Monday, during an appearance on Fox Business Network's "Lou Dobbs Tonight," Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani responded to a question about his team's decision to announce a break with Sidney Powell on Sunday. | Clips
"Joe Biden is not well," Sean Hannity said in the opening monologue of "Hannity" Thursday night. 
Below is today’s column in Fox.com on the new disclosures in a new book on the Trump impeachment. The authors allege that House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and his staff…

Donald Trump Invades England

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

As if this week couldn’t get any worse for Theresa May. First Boris Johnson resigns in stunning fashion via a carefully choreographed photo op of him signing his resignation in a manner straight ou…
A new report shows inner turmoil that is apparently taking place at Penguin Random House Canada over the publisher's release of a book written by Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. 
This poll and Psaki's response just show how badly Biden is doing...
We thought that yesterday was the biggest embarrassment for Joe Biden, but we were wrong! Yesterday as US President Joe
The imam leading the two-day funeral service for famed boxer Muhammad Ali, Imam Zaid Shakir, said that Ali wanted his funeral to be used as a “teaching moment.” Dawud Walid from the Council on American-Islamic Relations echoed, "In a political climate in which Islamophobia is front and center, his funeral will counterpunch the ridiculous notion that being a good Muslim and a good American are at odds."
You’ve undoubtedly seen those preening headlines from major outlets about how conservatives are more “authoritarian” by nature than Leftists.
CNN anchor Don Lemon, Rick Wilson and New York Times op-ed writer Wajahat Ali rolled out nearly every possible stereotype about Republican voters
If government controlled the production of turkeys and toilet paper, this would be a very unhappy holiday.
Top American health officials who critics say misled Congress with claims regarding U.S.-funded virus research in China are ...
Two years after prolonged ballot counting led to one of the most chaotic presidential elections in history, mail-in voting and other ballot processing issues may postpone the results in key races beyond Nov. 8 and perhaps delay determining which party will control the U.S. Senate.
This lack of empathy is no different from the lack of empathy for any perceived ‘outgroup’, whether Jews or “Blacks”. It results in an excess of male deaths.
It is a comedic series for Showtime that began Sunday. In order to attack gun-rights leaders, the antis are using this manipulated & staged farce as if it were a serious, factual, interview.
Chief Justice John Roberts blocked a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) from being asked at the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump on Wednesday, according to reports. The question and answer session involves written questions submitted to Roberts, who is presiding over the trial, who then reads the question aloud. The questions posed to …