
Christians in the Closet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Ace points us to this Rod Dreher account of his interview with a "deeply closeted" Christian professor at an "elite law school." It's long, but worth it, if you like that feeling of wanting to punc...
The StandUnited website has launched a petition to have Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas included in the new National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.
“Knowing what we know now, of course we wouldn’t go into Iraq,” Cruz told The Hill. 
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the social media platform's use and protection of user data.
When Barack Obama moves two miles from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to 2446 Belmont Road in Washington’s Kalorama neighborhood, he will live half a mile from 2340 S Street, where Woodrow Wilson spent his three post-presidential years. Wilson’s embittering foreign policy failure was the Senate’s rejection of the U.S. participation in the embodiment of Wilsonian aspirations, the League of Nations. Obama leaves office serene because “almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago.” Two seemingly unimpressed nations are Russia, which is dismembering a European nation (Ukraine) and China, which is shredding international law by turning the world’s most important waterway, the South China Sea, into militarized Chinese territory. Obama’s policies that brought America to a pinnacle of admiration, as he sees it, were an amalgam of Wilsonian and anti-Wilsonian elements. Wilson’s grand ambition for America was to reorder the world in a way that would make it unnecessary for America to have grand ambitions. He thought America could lead a restful life after strenuous diplomacy had written rules for the game of nations. Many progressives believe — they take this from the Founders’ favorite philosopher, John Locke, while rejecting his natural rights teaching — in humanity’s natural sociability. This disposes them to believe that peace among nations is natural and spontaneous, or it would be if other nations would cleanse their minds of the superstitions that prevent them from recognizing the universal validity and demonstrable utility of American principles. These, said Wilson, are shared by “forward looking men and women everywhere” and “every modern nation.” He also said, inconsistently, that “every nation of the world needs to be drawn into the tutelage of America.”      RELATED: The Ancient Foreign Policy Obama seemed to doubt that America has much to teach the world, beyond post-Iraq modesty — herewith his Wilsonian dimension — and the power of diplomacy’s soft power to tame the world. Although neither the English nor the American nor the Russian nor the Spanish nor the Chinese civil war was ended by negotiations, Obama thought the especially vicious and complex civil war in Syrian’s sectarian and tribal society could be ended diplomatically. Russian president Vladimir Putin picked a side and helped it win. The fact that the world is more disorderly and less lawful than when Obama became president is less his fault than the fault of something about which progressives are skeptical — powerful, unchanging human nature. Humans are, as Job knew, born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward: They are desirous and competitive, and hence are prone to conflict. And to causing progressives to furrow their brows in puzzlement. In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea, Secretary of State John Kerry was disappointed with Putin, saying, more in sorrow than in anger: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th-century fashion.” If you do, you place yourself on (in one of Obama’s favorite phrases) “the wrong side of history.” Obama’s foreign policy presumed the existence of “the community of nations.” Make that History, which, in progressives’ lexicon, is a proper noun, an autonomous thing with a mind, or at least a logic, of its own. Kerry’s reprimand of Putin expressed a progressive’s certitude about progress: The passage of time should ineluctably improve the comportment of nations. Which is why in 1911, the renowned 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, in its entry on torture, said “the whole subject is one of only historical interest as far as Europe is concerned.” The Dachau concentration camp was opened in March 1933. Obama’s foreign policy presumed the existence of “the community of nations.” But that phrase is worse than hackneyed and sentimental, it is oxymoronic: Different nations affirm different notions of justice; a community consists of people made cohesive by a consensus about the nature of justice. #related#Obama’s second-worst unforced error, second to declaring and then abandoning a “red line” about Syrian chemical weapons, was involving the U.S. military in regime change in Libya. Perhaps this venture appealed to him because it was untainted by any discernible connection with American national interest. He conducted it by “leading from behind,” which he described as U.S. forces “being volunteered by others to carry out missions” in Libya. As George Orwell said, “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.” Soon, foreign policy will be conducted by a man who, although in 2010 he said WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange deserves the death penalty, now seems to trust Assange on the subject of Russian hacking more than he trusts the consensus of the nation’s $53 billion civilian intelligence institutions. Time passes and, we are told, brings progress. — George Will is a Pulitzer Prize–winning syndicated columnist. © 2017 Washington Post Writers Group
President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow said Sunday his legal team is leaning towards not having the president sit down for an interview under oath with the special counsel.
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The British Transport Police are disadvantaging white, male applicants by excluding them from recruitment workshops.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a speech celebrating the signing into law of the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill Friday, Republican President Donald Trump took a moment to clarify that by consistently repeating on the campaign trail that they would “defund Planned Parenthood,” he, as well as congressional Republicans, actually meant that they would “continue giving Planned Parenthood …

How the Left Attacked Nationalism

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

How the Left Attacked Nationalism. Trump said he is a Nationalist. Texas rally, 2018. Don Lemon demonized him for it on CNN.
Charles Krauthammer, a longtime conservative political commentator, revealed on Friday that his cancer had returned and doctors issued him his final verdict — just weeks to live. "My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live. This is the final verdict. My fight is over," Krauthammer wrote in an emotional final letter. Krauthammer received an outpouring of support, from his longtime colleagues and intellectual peers, to those he often sparred with on Fox News. But no tribute was more touching than the one Fox News anchor Chris Wallace — and close Krauthammer friend — gave on air. What did Wallace say? Wallace revealed he learned of Krauthammer's diagnosis about 10 days prior when Fox News anchor Bret Baier shared a personal email with him. Wallace called Friday's announcement "quintessential Krauthammer." "It is so graceful. It is so honest. It is so brave," Wallace said. "I never, in ?
Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO and possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, says the Obama Administration’s policies have disproportionately hurt both main street and women.
Persecution by faith is written into the asylum law for a reason. It’s time to take it seriously.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and other Democrats have created a pamphlet that encourages illegal immigrants to carry a card that asks immigration officers not to deport them if they are detained. "I created this toolkit for you to protect yourself from deportation," Gutierrez said in a video describing...
A Thursday afternoon CNN Newsroom panel showcased political tribalism as three liberal journalists downplayed the disturbing sexual misconduct allegations against Democratic Senator Al Franken (Minn.) by harping on the fact that Franken was “just a comedian” while those against Roy Moore and President Trump were far more serious.
New Jersey schools are among the top 5 most segregated in the nation.
My own favorite Top Ten Ben Shapiro Thug Life moments from all the videos I made this year. Enjoy, like, comment & subscribe! The last BSTL image in this vid...
As long as the secular progressive elite runs the show, Democrats will have trouble appealing to Christian voters.
Plus, a chat with Graeme Wood on "What Does ISIS Want?"
Blaming white people for slavery is historically inaccurate and racist. Conservatism is the new counter-culture t-shirt: https://www.infowarsstore.com/conser...