Instead of wringing our hands over income inequality and wage stagnation, why don't we turn these trade deficits into trade surpluses?
Professional idiot and erstwhile Senator Babs Boxer went on the Ed Show to tell everyone they can trust Hillary because she went to a State Department meeting once, and no one was emailing anyway. ...
Since our Article V COS bill is pending in the Texas State legislature, this week I want to address how and why we should use the Article V process to amend the constitution and get this country ba…
The politics of the migrant caravan sound a lot like the Kavanaugh nomination fiasco.
Air Date: March 3rd, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fai...
Jose and Ana Sanchez ran for their lives during El Salvador's civil war, resettled in Los Angeles and joined the working class.
Late night talk show giants like Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Myers, and Jimmy Kimmel started seeing their ratings drop dramatically this year, as they continued to inject political commentary into their shows. The comedians all have one thing in common—their anti-Trump rhetoric, often promoting their personal political views to their audiences and making fun ?
Barack Obama continued to attack the Jewish leader in a video that aired today saying Netanyahu's previous comments "erode the name of democracy." This comes from the same man who passed amnesty by executive order and who forces poverty nuns…
As the Democrats commemorate the 50th anniversary of Selma...Americans might want to consider the fact that Democrats were the party responsible for persecuting blacks in Selma... On this day in 1965, fifty years ago today, angry Democrats with billy... #bloodysunday #frankjohnson #georgewallace
WASHINGTON—Promising that the author would spend “100 kajillion years in jail,” Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. told reporters Tuesday that they had left a $5 bill and a Snickers bar under a propped-up laundry basket in order to trap the anonymous writer of the New York Times op-ed piece. “Everyone is super mad about this secret bad guy in the White House, but we put a whole candy bar and a bunch of real money in there, and we’re gonna catch the crook,” said Donald Trump Jr., who, along with his younger brother, was crouched behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office to monitor their trap and pull the rope once the “buttless [sic]” opinion-piece writer climbed under the plastic tub to grab the candy. “I’ve got a Super Soaker and Eric has a broom so we can arrest him once he gets stuck. We also dug a pretty deep hole in the backyard and covered it with a blanket and some pieces of grass on top. It has our Iron Man action figure and some Skittles and some of Dad’s Pop Secret [sic] work stuff on it to trick him to walk over and then fall down and never, ever get out unless we say so. Then, we’ll bring him to the police and prove you don’t mess with the Trumps.” At press time, Eric Trump was reportedly bawling after getting trapped under the laundry basket while trying to grab the Snickers bar.
A Mexican citizen on Thursday pleaded guilty to illegally voting in the 2016 presidential election, the Houston Chronicle reported.
The Left need not depend on sociology and women’s studies faculty to radicalize our children; it’s being done in student centers and residence halls.
Following a similar shocking video at Cornell University released by James O'Keefe last week, Barry University officials in Florida also sanction a pro-ISIS ...
President Barack Obama made a stunning policy shift Friday, endorsing Medicare for All — a single-payer health system for the nation. Most Democrats contending for the 2020 presidential nomination …
The Washington political establishment has ways of dealing with invading rebel armies like the one led by Donald Trump. For the last month, there has been a collective glee in pointing out the chaotic rollout of the White House’s executive order on travel, its contradictory messaging, and the unpredictability of Trump’s Twitter activity. All of that is fair game, as is some of the skepticism about Trump aides. Michael Flynn, the retired lieutenant general who is now the national-security adviser, is under a microscope for possibly misleading officials about his pre-inauguration contacts with the Russian ambassador. Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor, stepped over a line when she promoted Ivanka Trump’s fashion line during a TV interview (after being asked about the news that some stores have suddenly dropped the brand). Then there is Steve Bannon, the president’s chief strategist. He is blamed for much of what critics see as dark and diabolical in the Trump White House. He is portrayed on Saturday Night Live as a skeletal Grim Reaper with a sinister voice worthy of Darth Vader. Bannon is almost universally loathed by the Washington press corps, and not just for his politics. When he was the CEO of the pro-Trump Breitbart website, he competed with traditional media outlets, and he has often mercilessly attacked and ridiculed them. The animosity towards Bannon reached new heights last month, when he incautiously told the New York Times that “the media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while.” He also said the media was “the opposition party” to the Trump administration. To the Washington media, those are truly fighting words. Joel Simon, of the Committee to Protect Journalists, told CNN that “this kind of speech not [only] undermines the work of the media in this country, it emboldens autocratic leaders around the world.” Jacob Weisberg, the head of the Slate Group, tweeted that Bannon’s comment was terrifying and “tyrannical.” Bannon’s comments were outrageous, but they are hardly new. In 2009, President Obama’s White House communications director, Anita Dunn, sought to restrict Fox News’ access to the White House. She even said, “We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent.” The media’s outrage over that remark was restrained, to say the least. Ever since Bannon’s outburst, you can hear the media gears meshing in the effort to undermine him. In TV green rooms and at Washington parties, I’ve heard journalists say outright that it’s time to get him. Time magazine put a sinister-looking Bannon on its cover, describing him as “The Great Manipulator.” Walter Isaacson, a former managing editor of Time, boasted to MSNBC that the image was in keeping with a tradition of controversial covers that put leaders in their place. “Likewise, putting [former White House aide] Mike Deaver on the cover, the brains behind Ronald Reagan, that ended up bringing down Reagan,” he told the hosts of Morning Joe. “So you’ve got to have these checks and balances, whether it’s the judiciary or the press.” Reporters and pundits are also stepping up the effort to portray Bannon as the puppet master in the White House Last week, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski said, “Legitimate media are getting word that Steve Bannon is the last guy in the room, in the evening especially, and he’s pulling the strings.” Her co-host, Joe Scarborough, agreed that Bannon’s role should be “investigated.” I’m all for figuring out who the powers behind the curtain are in the White House, but we saw precious little interest in that during the Obama administration. I’m all for figuring out who the powers behind the curtain are in the White House, but we saw precious little interest in that during the Obama administration. It wasn’t until four years after the passage of Obamacare that a journalist reported on just how powerful White House counselor Valerie Jarrett had been in its flawed implementation. Liberal writer Steven Brill wrote a 2015 book, America’s Bitter Pill, in which he slammed “incompetence in the White House” for the catastrophic launch of Obamacare. “Never [has there] been a group of people who more incompetently launched something,” he told NPR’s Terry Gross, who interviewed him about the book. He laid much of the blame at Jarrett’s doorstep. “The people in the administration who knew it was going wrong went to the president directly with memos, in person, to his chief of staff,” he said. “The president was protected, mostly by Valerie Jarrett, from doing anything. . . . He didn’t know what was going on in the single most important initiative of his administration.” How important was Jarrett inside the Obama White House? Brill interviewed the president about the struggles of Obamacare and reported Obama’s conclusion: “At this point, I am not so interested in Monday-morning quarterbacking the past.” Brill then bluntly told the president that five of the highest-ranking Obama officials had told him that “as a practical matter . . . Jarrett was the real chief of staff on any issues that she wanted to weigh in on, and she jealously protected that position by making sure the president never gave anyone else too much power.” When Brill asked the president about these aides’ assessment of Jarrett, Obama “declined comment,” Brill wrote in his book. That, in and of itself, was an answer. Would that Jarrett had received as much media scrutiny of her role in eight years under Obama as Bannon has in less than four weeks. I’ve had my disagreements with Bannon, whose apocalyptic views on some issues I don’t share. Ronald Reagan once said that if someone in Washington agrees with you 80 percent of the time, he is an ally, not an enemy. I’d guess Bannon wouldn’t agree with that sentiment. But the media’s effort to turn Bannon into an enemy of the people is veering into hysterical character assassination. The Sunday print edition of the New York Times ran an astonishing 1,500-word story headlined: “Fascists Too Lax for a Philosopher Cited by Bannon.” (The online headline now reads, “Steve Bannon Cited Italian Thinker Who Inspired Fascists.”) The Times based this headline on what it admits was “a passing reference” in a speech by Bannon at a Vatican conference in 2014. In that speech, Bannon made a single mention of Julius Evola, an obscure Italian philosopher who opposed modernity and cozied up to Mussolini’s Italian Fascists. Bannon’s sole reference to Evola came when he mentioned that a leading influence on Vladimir Putin was Aleksandr Dugin, an ultranationalist writer “who harkens back to Julius Evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of what’s called the traditionalist movement, which really eventually metastasized into Italian Fascism.” The dictionary definition of “metastasize” is “to transform, especially into a dangerous form.” So Bannon’s mention of Evola is hardly an endorsement of fascism on Bannon’s part. The Times didn’t note Bannon’s reference to Russia as an ‘imperialist power’ or a ‘kleptocracy,’ perhaps because it doesn’t fit the liberal theory that all of Team Trump is in bed with Putin’s thugs. Nor was Bannon complimentary of Putin in this 2014 talk. After noting that Putin’s talk of traditional values was “playing very strongly to social conservatives” in the United States, Bannon explicitly warned: I think it’s something that we have to be very much on guard of. Because at the end of the day, I think that Putin and his cronies are really a kleptocracy, that are really an imperialist power that wants to expand. The Times didn’t note Bannon’s reference to Russia as an “imperialist power,” perhaps because it doesn’t fit the liberal theory that all of Team Trump is in bed with Putin’s thugs. It’s remarkable to see how a single passing reference to an obscure philosopher can be used to tarnish a White House aide. The Times piece linking Bannon to Fascism is being picked up. The liberal Forward newspaper ran a lengthy summary under the headline “Meet the Philosopher Who’s a Favorite of Steve Bannon and Mussolini.” The article claims that Bannon “seems to have an affinity” for the fascist Evola. A lot more ammunition was provided by Anita Dunn, when she was the White House’s communications director. After she declared war on Fox News, some reporters discovered that she had actually cited Mao Tse-tung as one of her favorite political philosophers. In a speech given after she had joined the Obama White House, she said the “two people I turn to most” were Mother Teresa and Mao Tse-tung. She barely discussed the late nun but waxed at length about the lessons Mao had taught her. The Mao comment prompted William Ratliff, an expert on China with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, to call her statement “outrageous and pathetic” given that Mao’s role in the deaths of some 50 million people “makes it impossible for any serious person to view him as a great philosopher.” Dunn said she was speaking ironically and that critics just didn’t get the joke. The story was a tempest in a D.C. teapot for half a day. Here’s hoping that the Times’ effort to tie Bannon to a Fascist philosopher on far less substantive grounds is granted even less attention. It’s not surprising to me that the pugnacious Bannon is loathed by so many Washington media types, nor does it shock me that his refusal to provide news tidbits for reporters isn’t appreciated. But some standards in Beltway career destruction should be observed. Of course, the media shouldn’t “shut up” when it comes to the Trump administration. But, yes, some listening and some introspection in evaluating the double standard by which they covered the Obama administration would be healthy and would help the public that consumes their reports. — John Fund is NRO’s national-affairs correspondent.
On Tuesday’s edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and MSNBC political analyst/Mother Jones D.C. bureau chief David Corn were unglued over the Susan Rice “unmasking” controversy, suggesting that it was racist and sexist for these accusations to be leveled at the former National Security Adviser because she’s never done anything wrong.
How a Boehner and Pelosi 'understanding' resulted in a DHS funding deal.

From Internet to Obamanet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Information Age columnist L. Gordon Crovitz writes that BlackBerry and AT&T are already making moves that could exploit new ‘utility’ regulations.

HIDDEN CAM: Transgender Dog Prank!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

What happens when I send my 90 pound "transgender" dog who identifies as an 8 pound lap dog into our local shopping centers? We find out... Take media back a...
Once told Saudi interviewer, 'Every self-respecting Muslim is at heart an Islamic fundamentalist'
The Prime Minister’s Speech - It was a speech for the ages, and no amount of carping from the White house can diminish its significance.
What Ted Can Do -
The mostly good, the slightly bad, and where it could all fall apart.
DANA BASH, CNN: I want to read to you a description, a Harvard law graduate, 40 something years old, two young daughters, in the senate for only two years who thinks he can be president. I could be describing you; I could be describing Barack Obama. SEN. TED CRUZ: True enough, but I think there are a lot more notable differences between us than the similarities. DANA BASH: That is true, but, you know, one of the key things that we're already hearing is you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to being in federal office or being in office at all and this you're, you know, too young and too inexperienced for the job. TED CRUZ: Dana, I think there are two sharp distinctions between where I am today and where Barack Obama was when he launched his campaign. Number one, in his time in the senate he had basically been a back bencher. He had not been leading on any issues. In my time in the Senate you can accuse me of being a lot of things but a back bencher is not one of them. DANA BASH: That may be true, but the big criticism of President Obama especially as the years have gone on is he didn't have any experience in an executive function, he didn't run any organization and the same can be said about you. What experience do you have to be commander in chief of the United States military, for example? TED CRUZ: Well, unlike Barack Obama, I was not a community organizer before I was elected to the senate. I spent 5 1/2 years as the solicitor general of Texas, the chief lawyer for Texas in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. I supervised and led every year before the state of Texas in a 4,000 agency with over 700 lawyers. Over the course of 5 1/2 years over and over again Texas led the nation defending conservative principles and winning.
The left is willing to risk civil war in America & nuclear war with Russia because they're butt-hurt about losing. Let that sink in. Facebook @ https://www.f...