Blaming white people for slavery is historically inaccurate and racist. Conservatism is the new counter-culture t-shirt: https://www.infowarsstore.com/conser...
Martha’s Vineyard August, 2014 Vacation Cost $400,666.30 in Transportation  $2,425,085.50 were Spent in Transportation Expenses for Obama’s July, 2014 West Coast Fundraising Trip Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations over the past three years have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in travel expenses alone; (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it obtained records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force...
Megan McArdle is one of those rare writers who truly plays it down the middle, politically. In a new column, she offers some tough news for blue states. When it comes to tax reform, they are going to have to make some changes to remain competitive. She writes at Bloomberg: Sorry, Blue States:...
    CNN has made a name for itself promoting fake news and being an obvious promoter of the left. While the network and others in the mainstream media have long been labeled as liberal-leaning in their bias, the preference for Hillary Clinton was painfully obvious in last year’s presidential election cycle. Now the propaganda machine is targeting Nancy Sinatra, daughter of the late music legend Frank Sinatra. It was announced prior to the inauguration of Republican President Donald Trump that he would be using Frank Sinatra’s song “My Way.” It’s not unusual for politicians to use songs and have a musician object. While Frank Sinatra is no longer with us, his daughter is alive and active. On Twitter, Nancy Sinatra was asked about the song use. She replied to the question “just remember the first line of the song”, which is “And now, the end is near.” CNN picked up the tweet and ran with a story that she was unhappy about her father’s song being used. The problem?
Slowly, deliciously, like a leech starved of blood, the renewable energy industry is withering away and dying.
As Gov. John R. Kasich visits New Hampshire, Manhattan and Detroit, skeptics and admirers say, he must find a way to distinguish himself from an already overcrowded Republican pack.
A leader of a Syrian rebel umbrella organization expressed optimism towards the incoming Donald Trump administration.
The Anglo-American hero Winston Churchill once said, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” There is no better way to describe the impact that the March 2015 victory in Kobanî had on the war against the Islamic State. ISIS’s defeat in this north Syrian city will go down in history as the moment the group began to decline. There would be death throes over the subsequent years, as ISIS scored victories in places such as Palmyra and Ramadi, but the group’s rapid growth and aura of invincibility were be shattered in Kobanî by the heroic fighters of the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and YPJ (Women’s Protection Units). The liberation of Kobanî wouldn’t have been possible without the intervention of the American military. High in the sky, U.S. Air Force pilots killed hundreds of jihadists and annihilated their heavy equipment. American intelligence officials watched the heroic defense and, with growing confidence in their Kurdish allies, began to build closer military ties. The Kurdish fighters were surrounded, outgunned, and short on supplies. Refusing to surrender to the jihadists, many used up their bullets and ran at the enemy with their last grenade, dying in one final act of defiance. What few in the West realize is that from the very beginning of this war, young Americans have been fighting against the Islamic State in support of the fledgling democratic movement in Rojava, the unofficially autonomous region that is home to Kobanî. One man, Keith Broomfield, was in Kobanî at the same time those U.S. jets circled overhead. This year, I met a man who knew Broomfield and described a terrible firefight on a hill outside Kobanî. With bullets cracking overhead and the fanatical screams of jihadists in his ears, Broomfield couldn’t have been further away from his hometown of Westminster, Mass. Those that knew him in the YPG describe an intelligent, easygoing man with a great sense of humor and a deep Christian faith that inspired him to help others. During the firefight, while running between positions, Broomfield was shot in the chest and grievously wounded. His friend, a Kurdish man named Merdem, ran to his aid and pulled him into cover. As they lay there, with bullets snapping and cracking overhead, the hopelessness of their position struck Merdem: Without the knowledge or equipment to treat his friend, all he could do was try and stem the blood loss and wait for help. Merdem gently shook Broomfield and pleaded with him to stay conscious. Their eyes met. “You can’t die, heval,” Merdem said, using the Kurdish word for friend. “You’re my commander.” It was a private joke, shared a hundred times around campfires, over stoves, and on cold, nighttime guard duties. A smile passed over Keith’s lips and soon afterward he died in his comrades arms. It’s not just Americans who have flocked to aid the Rojava Revolution; hundreds of volunteers from around the world have joined the fight, too. I first went to Rojava in December 2014. Like everyone else in the world, I had watched the sudden and brutal rise of ISIS in horror. I couldn’t sleep at night thinking of Yazidi girls as young as nine being sold into sexual slavery. My heart broke when I thought of the suffering endured by the families of men such as James Foley and Alan Henning, both murdered by a death cult that aims to return humanity to the dark ages. And the inaction of David Cameron’s British government and the Obama administration dismayed me. So I joined the YPG. I wanted to join the volunteers from America, Britain, and the rest of the free world in fighting the Islamic State. In doing so, I hoped to show the innocent people of Syria that they weren’t alone. More importantly, I hoped to highlight the appalling inaction of the West and the vacuum it has created for Russia, Turkey, and Iran to fill. How many more great Americans such as Keith Bloomfield have to die before our governments see the light? What the International Volunteers are supporting is truly remarkable. The Syrian Kurds believe in secular democracy, societal equality, and the rule of law. They want devolved power so each community has control over its own affairs. There is no law in the land that can tell you who to worship, when to worship, how your children should be educated, or how you should lead your life. It’s no wonder that the Assyrian National Council, which represents Syria’s Christian minority, supports the Syrian Kurds and the new Rojava administration. While the rest of Syria slips into anarchy, as the Assad regime barrel-bombs people from the sky and the Free Syrian Army rips itself apart, the entire northern part of the country has children in school, police on the street, and a functioning democracy. The Syrian Kurds worked with the Americans and created the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The SDF is by far the most successful group battling against the Islamic State. They receive a lot of military assistance from the West, but no political or humanitarian support. If we want a quick resolution to the Syrian crisis, we need to identify who is capable of defeating ISIS and building a system of government that will provide lasting peace. The answer lies within the SDF and the Rojava administration. How many more great Americans such as Keith Bloomfield have to die before our governments see the light? — Macer Gifford is a human-rights activist and anti-ISIS campaigner. He has volunteered twice with the YPG.
List Of Members of Congress suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are boycotting President Trump's first "State of the Union" (SOTU) address.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat down today with Megyn Kelly, just 48 hours after his hard-fought re-election.
WASHINGTON ? President Trump praised a group of young black conservatives for their courage and said he?s sure some are headed for the White House. ?A lot of people are jealous of…
FCC Chair Refuses to Testify before Congress ahead of Net Neutrality Vote -
It’s utterly irrelevant whether crime has a high or low carbon footprint.
"Acosta is selling me on Trump right now."
Just as our favorite colors can be indicative of our personalities, our favorite rifle cartridge can tell an awful lot about us as shooters. Let us begin, shall we, with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III is to deliver the keynote at this weekend's J Street conference, a gathering of left-wing activists opposed to the Israeli government and to recently re-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Baker, who served under President George H.W. Bush, is also advising Jeb Bush in his presidential effort, according to a report by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Baker is considered hostile to Israel and is controversial among Jewish voters.
The far left Secret Service agent who publicly stated she would not take a bullet to save President Trump was replaced this week.
A federal judge could soon decide whether the Trump administration violated the U.S. Constitution when it stripped away the press credentials of CNN’s chief White House correspondent.

Obamacare Can't Be 'Fixed'

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

The moment Republicans bought into the notion that Obamacare must not just be repealed but "replaced," Democrats won.
Mother’s with young daughters rejoiced on Monday when Carlos Danger, AKA former Congressman Anthony Weiner, was sentenced to 21 months behind bars for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. But the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) seemed a little timid when reporting the news later that evening. ABC blacked it out from their reporting on World News Tonight all together, while both CBS and NBC failed to mention that Mr. Danger was a Democrat.
Why is the media actually defending Senator Elizabeth Warren’s claim she is Native American, even after her DNA test results so clearly indicate she isn't?
Thursday night, Fox News's Megyn Kelly went after the press's and the political class's continued lionization of a "protest movement based upon a lie," namely those sowing slow-motion anarchy in Ferguson, Missouri following the death of Michael Brown, and "a segment of our political leaders and pundits" egging them on by giving them undeserved visibility and sympathy. Members of Congress who propped up the odious "Hands up, don't shoot" lie came in for a special mention.
Secretary of State John Kerry told a painful truth on Sunday, admitting that President Obama’s “red line” fiasco in Syria “cost us significantly” by leading other nations to see America as weak. Ob…
There is a unicorn lair in North Korea. We know this because the Dear Leader of North Korea, Kim Jung Un, tells us so. According to the official Korean Central News Agency, archaeologists have "recently reconfirmed" the existence of the unicorn lair dating back to the Koryo Kingdom (918-1392).
The EPA’s head forsakes science in predicting that Aspen will one day resemble Amarillo, Texas.