
"If you don't like people excluding others on the basis of their race... then why are you doing it and why are you defending it now?" Carlson asked.


Several times over my 29 years in Congress I have wondered whether there are any fiscal conservatives at the Pentagon. It seems that the Defense...


Obama played the primary role in generating a full-scale humanitarian crisis in 2014 at the border — but virtually no responsibility attached to him.


The school created a webpage and a flowchart to aid in making appropriate Halloween costume choices.


A blog devoted to sharing initial thoughts on topics, and daily ramblings, First Thoughts speaks to the latest topics in religion and today’s society.


At least nine states are considering a switch from federal to state health insurance exchanges should the Supreme Court rule against tax subsidies for policies bought on federal exchanges.


Great compilation from Downtrend. I would also add the ?pro-choice? liberal who thinks we shouldn?t be able to decide what size Slurpee to drink, light bulb to buy, etc. 1. You think that George W. Bush caused the recent recession You’ve probably heard the narrative promoted by the wigglejaws on MSNBC: George W. Bush caused that ?


Some things never change… In January of 1963, Democrat Governor George Wallace of Alabama famously blocked the door to keep ...


Demonstrators in Philadelphia chant ‘Long live the intifada,’ also set light to pro-Bernie Sanders fliers


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump has an opportunity to foster “American leadership through innovation” much like President John F. Kennedy.


Nearly all of the precincts are counted, and it seems that California voters have ordered the recall of Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky, 60% to 40%.


President Donald Trump's border wall project could get funding through an unlikely method: voluntary donations from private citizens. The newly-founded America First Foundation, Inc., has started


The U.S. ambassador to South Korea was seriously injured in an attack Thursday morning in Seoul, and his assailant was immediately arrested, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.


Patrick thought he’d been born in the wrong body, but his journey was just beginning…


A federal judge in Connecticut has declared the forced separation of two immigrant children from their parents to be unconstitutional.


Exclusive: Secret interrogation facility reveals creeping aspects of war on terror in US city as accounts describe shackling and brutality without basic rights


On Tuesday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro appeared live in New York with the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss media bias, from the media’s bias against President Trump to their bias against Israel.


The Obama Democrats have a scheme to win elections. They plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will vote Democratic.


Yesterday a shocking video released by the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood?s Medical Director, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing their negotiations with a business called Stem Express that purchases aborted babies’ body parts for experimentation.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Dr. Nucatola tells investigators posing as buyers from a human biologics company that Planned Parenthood charges per-specimen for baby [?]


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Is there any demographic that Donald Trump has not alienated to the point where he?s more hated than a sexually transmitted disease? Despite closing in on 1,237 delegates for the GOP nomination, he?s a reaching a point when it comes time to debate Hillary Clinton, she will walk on stage, cackle, point at Trump and walk away. One of the | Read More


Democrats "Trump Firing Mueller" Delusion
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • trump maga liberal democrats mueller
BluePillSheep.com believes President Trump starts the "Trump to fire Mueller" rumor every few weeks just to confirm he is still the Fake News media, and the Liberal Democrats "Puppet-Master."


Critics of President-elect Donald Trump upset he was named TIME magazine’s “Person of the Year” took to Twitter to express their disapproval.


Famed legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues that consistent application of originalism would lead to outrageous results. But the same could easily be said of living constitutionalism.


Last week, I put out The Liberal Translation Guide: 20 Translations of Things That Liberals Say and people were like, Woah, I had no idea that liberals say they want organic food; what they really mean is that they want to EAT BABIES.


Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) argued that race and gender were "a factor" in the battle over Loretta Lynch's confirmation