
What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth?


After a 13-year absence from the trail, the likely 2016 candidate tries to shake off the rust in early states.


By Seth McLaughlin, The Washington TimesBeneath the preening for the Republican presidential nomination at the Conservative Political Action Conference is a fight for the second spot on the ticket, though


In case you missed it... Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), who announced last week that he will retire after his current term expires in early 2017, said he does not regret taking to the Senate floor in 2012 to accuse then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney of not paying his... #cnn #danabash #mittromney


Studies show that newsrooms tilt liberal/Democratic. What's the deal with that?


What a shame and an embarrassment for Cornell it was to feature MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry as the speaker at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture on Feb. 23. The event, titled “We Can’t Breathe: The Continuing Consequences of Inequality,” was ostensibly meant to serve as a thought-provoking reflection on contemporary race relations and…


We should thank Rachel Maddow for bringing this to our attention.


CNN's Chris Cuomo on Friday fretted that a new report on ISIS and its rape culture would reinforce negative perceptions of Muslims. The New Day anchor talked to Dr. Qanta Ahmed, an author and human rights advocate. Reacting to a front page story on the New York Times, Cuomo played a clip of a woman recounting brutal violence at the hands of ISIS. He then lectured, "This feeds the impression that these Muslims are animals, savages and their faith makes them that way. And it feeds an impression of what Islam is. What is your response to that?"


The concerned parents on Morning Joe found something to be outraged about over the video of SAE frat members engaged in a racist chant: namely the rapper Wak...


Can we simultaneously love our children but betray their generation and generations yet born? Thats the question on page 1 of Mark R. Levins new masterwork Plunder And Deceit: Big Governments Exploitation Of Young People And The Future, and it is answered throughout the book.


To mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Regnery Publishing has released The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism: The Killingest Idea Ever. If you’re nor familiar with the Politically Incorrect Guides, it’s a series designed to correct the biases and inaccuracies that tend to creep into books on history, politics, and religion. Depending on the subject, the author may add a touch of humor to the narrative. But The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism is never lighthearted or humorous because there’s nothing funny about Communist regimes. The author is Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College,


An online brawl over the definition of "white supremacy" provides a case study in how not to win friends and influence people.


US Unemployment Rate Down to Nearly 7-Year Low â Trading Economics The unemployment rate for blacks was 12 percent in February 2014, compared with 5.8 percent for whites â National Urban League Unemployment rate among Black 18- to- 29-year-olds at 22.1 percent â Generation Opportunity The declining labor participation rate…


VIENNA (AP) — Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the ou


New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art has changed its entry fee from a suggested donation to a flat fee for non-New York residents. A new proposal suggests something else: entry fees based on income.


If Republicans fail to repeal Obamacare, it will be due to their own incompetence and spinelessness, not a lack of ideas.


On Senate floor, the firebrand Texan accuses Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of dissembling on bank vote.


Peggy Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist, has just won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary. Much of her winning work focuses on Donald Trump's rise.


Did Bernie Sanders know that he was standing next to Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), who has poured millions of dollars into his own gubernatorial campaign?


Former secretary of state James Baker, a prominent figure in president
George H. W. Bushâs administration and a critic of the Israeli governmentâs
policies, is under fire from conservatives and pro-Israel activists for his
decision to speak at the annual conference of the left-wing J Street lobby.
But should the pro-Israel communityâs concern extend to former Florida
governor and presumed presidential candidate Jeb Bush, for whom Baker
serves as a foreign policy adviser? âBaker is not a key adviser to Jeb
Bush; he has about a dozen policy advisers, all of whom are strong
supporters of Israel. ... Jeb disagrees with [Baker] on the U.S.-Israel
relationship and the way forward in the Middle East,â said Fred Zeidman, a
Houston businessman and Republican fundraiser who is close with the Bush


Repeatedly find 'no evidence' of claims in story


(Breitbart) Radical South African politician Julius Malema confirmed President Donald Trump’s concerns Thursday, declaring defiantly that the point of the country’s proposed new “expropriation without compensation” policy would be to take land from white farmers. “Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the ?


The plaintiffs claim San Jose decided not to call on other police departments to help secure the safety of protesters. The suit seeks damages against the city and police chief.




Islamic State fighters are operating training bases near the U.S. southern border and are being aided by violent drug cartels to smuggle terrorists into states like Texas, a report published Tuesday by a watchdog claims.