
“I have never seen a case like this,” an attorney specializing in sexual assault told BuzzFeed News.


When Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed a religious freedom bill into law much of the firestorm of controversy surrounding it related to other issues. But pro-l


Liberal Loon: Trump Tweets Like A “Little Child,”
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • fox trump twitter tweet tweetstorm
FOX News Token Liberal Jessica Tarlov’s snide remark tweaked some Twitter users, including some Democrats who said that they liked President Trump’s tweets.


News, Magazine: General David Petraeus, former CIA chief, does not see much cause for optimism regarding a deal with Iran: 'We cannot allow them to be on the brink of having a nuclear weapon'; believes 'threat from al-Qaeda remains very real, and it would be a mistake to think … al-Qaeda has gone away. It hasn’t'; and dismisses the idea that Syria's Assad can be part of the solution: 'He isn’t; he is a big part of the problem.'


The difference between Right and Left addressed in this column concerns a fundamentally different method that each utilizes in order to improve society. Conservatives believe that the way to a better world is almost always through moral improvement of the individual — by each person doing battle with his own moral defects. It is true …


Outside a cookie shop in one of Houston’s most idyllic neighborhoods, a West University Place council member spied Trump’s name on a teenager’s shirt and yelled a few of the president’s worst words at her. Then the internet found out. It's springtime in the age of hysteria.


One of the CIA’s worst failures in decades...


The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History raised considerable controversy at the time of its release, above all, from mainstream academic circles. This comes as no surprise, considering that the field has been dominated by statist intellectuals of all stripes over the past century or so.


Ted Cruz is a proven fundraiser, and that will be necessary to defeat the Clinton machine. True grassroots candidates, like Ted Cruz, generally struggle after the first few primary states due to funding. Ted is different. He will go the distance.


A Florida state employee failed to review federal background check profiles on "tens of thousands" of applications for concealed weapons permits over the course of more than a year because he couldn't remember his login information for the National Instant Criminal Background Check system,


The two coalition parties in power in the Netherlands are destined for crushing defeats in elections on March 18 that will determine the makeup of the new Senate. Polls show the opposition anti-Islam...


Bring Back the Bush Doctrine—with One Addition - There is a path to victory in the fight against radical Islam, and our next president should embrace it.


Jeb Bush stated he is "nervous" about NSA criticism and he wishes the president would do a better job defending government surveillance


Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.


Statistical games hide optimistic reality of global gains


'What I'm here to tell you is that on campus we have additional rules other than just freedom of speech,' said the cop.


“Donald Trump is doing the work of ISIS,


Students replaced the portrait with a photo of Audre Lorde, a black female writer.


A STAGGERING 465 "child refugees” who were granted entry to Britain lied to officials to gain entry into the country, official figures have revealed.


The FBI strained to make a case on Donald Trump even as they were burying a daunting criminal case on Mrs. Clinton.


The head of the Democratic Party made it clear today. There should be no limits on abortion, period -- and that includes no limits on abortions up tot the day o


One of the many disasters the Obama Administration put in place was a reinterpretation of Title IX that led to colleges setting up kangaroo courts that were heavily stacked against men in rape cases.