
'ACLU Nationwide selectively edits their less-than-honest Sessions testimony.' -Ted Cruz


Tom Cotton's Letter to Iran Gets the Constitution Right -


American denim giant Levi Strauss & Co. announced Tuesday that it is launching a series of new initiatives to benefit groups working to prevent gun violence.


My Life on the D List of Social Media in the Era of the Shadowban


The root of much American dysfunction isn’t a failure of work but of family dissolution.


Facebook hired Department of Justice antitrust chief Kate Patchen, consider the top antitrust lawyer in Silicon Valley, in a move which Business Insider claims could be a sign Facebook is "preparing for war with Donald Trump's administration."


Carl Sagan's poetic summary of the Ferguson Crisis Approved by Science(TM)! -- http://www.unz.com/isteve/blackwhite-arrest-ratios-ferguson-is-averageville-us...


Forced Blood Draws DNA Collection and Biometric Scans: What Country Is This? - Forced Blood Draws DNA Collection and Biometric Scans: What Country Is This? By John W. Whitehead February 24 2015 “ The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between...


Update: Bust Of Edward Snowden Erected In Fort Greene Park, Promptly Covered, Removed By Authorities
A bust of Edward Snowden was erected overnight in Fort Greene Park—and it's already been covered up by authorities.


The NYPD released surveillance video of a flash mob allegedly stealing thousands of dollars worth of goods from New York City sneaker stores.


news.com.au Venezuela continues to reap the benefits of socialism as it celebrates the title of being the country with the highest inflation in the entire world. Add to that the hunger; shortages of basic items; misery; repression; political arrests; and murder Venezuelans have been enduring and it's a wonder the rest of the world does not turn socialist. Karina Martin reports in PanAm Post: Socialist Venezuela Ends 2017 with the World's Largest Inflation Rate: Nearly 3,000 Percent Venezuela ended 2017 with four-figure hyperinflation reaching nearly 3,000 percent, according to the financial consultancy Ecoanalítica. Though President Nicolás Maduro's regime won't admit to the inflation problem, the ever-increasing price of the dollar is enough to devalue of the country's money significantly. According to the DolarToday website, Now, it's at 111,413.23 bolivars. The Maduro regime has not published economic data since 2015, and blames the United States and the international financial


A college student at Appalachian State University faced criticism last month after putting up a bulletin board calling out "privileged" students. The board showed memes to depict so-called white privilege, heterosexual privilege, Christian privilege, and able-bodied privilege, among others.


The Facebook CEO and his wife pledged $5 million to TheDream.us to send undocumented immigrants to college


On Friday, uber-historian Chelsea Handler weighed in on the ultimate fate of current U.S. generals if they do not execute a military coup to replace Donald Trump as president of the United States:


Bernard Kerik, former New York City police (NYPD) commissioner, said he walked away from a CNN set where he was to talk on bombs sent to Democrats


Gay rights groups and their allies were outraged when Indiana enacted a "religious freedom" measure that let businesses refuse to take part in same-sex weddings and other events they find objectionable. Opponents of the new law had an unassailable goal: protecting a small group of people from having their freedom trampled by an unsympathetic majority.


For a lot of people, FedEx driver Matt Uhrin may just be America’s hero of the day. When a group of anti-American protesters picked the sidewalk in front of the downtown Iowa City, Iowa, branch of Bank of America to burn several U.S. flags Thursday, they couldn’t have known Uhrin would be making a delivery […]


A University of California Irvine student executive cabinet on Saturday vetoed a resolution banning the American flag from the lobby of the student government offices, KNBC-TV reported, noting a post on the school’s website. The post called the resolution enacted by undergraduate members of the legislative council earlier this...


Israel’s ambassador to the US launched a scathing attack on the Southern Poverty Law Center in a speech Tuesday.


I Joined The NRA And I Don't Even Own A Gun
Submitted 7 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • guns gun rights guncontrol trump maga conservative
So in my own little way becoming a card-carrying NRA member means a lot more than most because I don't own a gun. It's my way of saying I support America and Americans because our nation sacrificed far too much blood and treasure


Recent statements from United Nations officials, that Iran is already blocking their existing efforts to keep track of what is going on in their nuclear program, should tell anyone who does not already know it that any agreement with Iran will be utterly worthless in practice. It doesn't matter what the terms of the agreement are, if Iran can cheat.


“It is a loser for the Democrats and so they shy away from it"


Jeffrey Toobin slammed Donald Trump for calling the government's handling Puerto Rico an "unsung success" after almost 3,000 people died last year from the


"Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat."