Obama Manufactures an Israel Crisis -
Obama revenge for Netanyahu's Congress talk? 1987 report on Israel's top secret nuclear program released in unprecedented move.
Please, share, share, share and vindicate Donald Trump! Summer Zervos the Ex-Apprentice loser who claimed Donald Trump sexually assaulted her was bribed with...
While Americans were celebrating Independence Day thanking God for their freedoms and their prosperity, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer took the opportunity to reflect upon abortion.
Another day, another campus fascist assault, this time aimed at squelching the speech of center-right Christina Hoff Sommers. Sommers, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues that much of …
When Netflix is not bashing Christians, Hulu is leading the charge, with Sarah Silverman at the head of the "Hating Christians" parade.
Building Bipartisan Support for Blocking Obama’s Iran Folly -
Mason Weaver, an author and former member of the Black Panther movement, said Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) presided over the "destruction of black America" in the years following his march with other Civil Rights leaders across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965.
"America was never that great" (because of all the bribes?)
Former rock star Austin Carlile, …
"I think this almost has to be at the level of a crusade," Brown said of the need for urgency to deal with climate change.
Newly declared Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul sat down with CBS’s Bob Schieffer on Sunday’s Face the Nation and was asked if some in the Republican Party do not want to be inclusive.
On Thursday's episode of "The Morning Blaze," Doc Thompson and Kris Cruz discussed the arrest of Jackson A. Cosko for a laundry list of charges, including unlawful entry and for posting private information on Wikipedia.
Cosko most recently worked for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) as a staffer, which allowed him access to private information about senators. He previously worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and retired Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).
Cosko illegally entered Lee's office on Tuesday and accessed the Wikipedia page, which is connected to an automatic Twitter bot that sent out a worldwide update to anyone following the Twitter handle.
Cosko's edits included posting home addresses, personal cellphone numbers, and social media accounts for Sens. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Orrin Hatch without consent. Other charges included witness tampering and identity theft among others.
Lee has not commented on the incident.
Doc and Kris were astonished neither Senate Republicans nor Democrats have commented on the incident.
To see ?
If you think that the Merchants of Misery have a preoccupation with death, you might be right ...
Grassroots anger against the Common Core education standards has spilled into the emerging 2016 presidential campaign. Much is at stake as potential candidat...
California Governor Jerry Brown blasted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on NBC News' Meet the Press on Sunday for his recent comments on climate change, calling the Tea Party favority "unfit to run for office." Cruz had challenged late night host Seth Myers' assertion that 2014 had been the "hottest year on record," arguing that the data on temperature told a different story. Meet the Press host Chuck Todd played the clip for Brown, who responded by calling Cruz "unfit to run for office."
If Democrats Retake The House, The Same Folks Who Oversaw The Great Recession Will Be Back - Rep. David Brat: Elections tend to be all about slickly packaged words, which .09/04/2018 14:54:26PM EST.
With an auditorium packed to hear best-selling author J.D. Vance, Heritage Foundation scholars unveiled the 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity.
Are you better off than you were four years ago? Ronald Reagan asked at the close of the sole debate in the 1980 election, ticking off a list of things — the economy, unemployment, the country’s world standing — that had all headed south with the Democrats’ leadership, and the country agreed they were not. And so from now till the polls close in 2016, Republicans should ask the American people if the world is now better off than it was when Obama took office, and point at the ways it is not.
Iran and Vladimir Putin are both better off, and Islamist extremists are better off beyond their wildest dreams of six years ago, but that about does it. Israel is not better off — its relations with us are worse than the weather; Ukraine is not better off — it is being slowly dismembered; Syria, Libya and Yemen are not better off — they had dictators then, but were not yet a war zone — Denmark, France and Australia are not better off — their cities were not yet the targets of Islamist extremists; and Iraq — the subject of so much intense misrememberance — is perhaps the least better-off of them all.
"I saw this man on television just now. He said I love..."
Every time you start to believe the Washington Post cannot go any further off the leftwing rails, along comes another sweetheart of lunacy.
The Director of the American Civil Liberties Union has now acknowledged what should have been obvious to everybody over the past several years: that the A.C.L.U. is no longer a neutral defender of everyone’s civil liberties; it has morphed into a hyper-partisan, hard-left political advocacy group.
According to reports coming out of Corpus Christi, a municipal court judge has been placed on unpaid leave after city officials learned she is not a U.S. citizen. On Wednesday, City Councilman Rudy Garza Jr. told reporters the mishap took place because there is no question about an applicant?s citizenship on the application for appointment. Instead, the application documents merely asks the question if the applicant is legally eligible to work in the state. Garza Jr. said it?s been verified that Young Min Burkett is legally eligible for employment in Texas. However, the state of Texas requires a judge to be a