
Liberal policies in action— The US admitted 1,565 refugees to the United States with active tuberculosis since 2012. In the ...


Culturally speaking, America is a wreck. Today, the United States has lost its unquestioned dominance over the world. America remains the first power among equals, but America’s once-considerable lead is essentially gone. The beginning of the end of American dominance occurred during our cultural revolution in the 1960s. Thanks to the Left’s “long-march through the institutions” of America, most Americans have lost their identity — and it shows in declining fertility, literacy, numeracy, and economic growth rates, just to name a few negative trends. Compare this to China. Chinese children are educated from a young age to respect their elders


Bernie Sanders says countries where people have to wait in line for food are a good thing... Seriously...


Two British tourists remained in a 'very serious condition' in a Paris hospital tonight after being stabbed repeatedly by an illegal Afghan immigrant who tried to use them as human shields.


The survey results could easily be dismissed as both groups answering what they hope will happen with Trump.


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Gov. Cuomo achieved a political victory earlier this year when he reached an agreement to shutter the Indian Point nuclear facility. While Cuomo has repeatedly claimed that the nuclear plant’s elec…


Most women have no idea about the pill's true past.


Homeland Security Official Used His Office to Give Visas to High-Ranking Politicians


Bosnian soccer fans join pro-Palestinian rally at city center and begin chanting anti-Semitic slogans


U.S. President Donald Trump says he cancelled his military parade in Washington and would instead visit Paris on Nov. 11 to commemorate Veterans Day, after the Defence Department said it had postponed the event to at least next year.


A 7th grader in Rosenberg says he was forced by school administrators to cover up his Star Wars t-shirt because it depicted a weapon, even though it's fictional.


Back in the 1960s, as large numbers of black students were entering a certain Ivy League university for the first time, someone asked a chemistry professor -- off the record -- what his response to them was. He said, "I give them all A's and B's. To hell with them."


German AfD MP Markus Frohnmaier says he is most disconcerted by the latest developments. Piled up on his desk, is a mountain of papers with the headers showing the logo of the United Nations. “Every MP


Valentine’s Day, we are told by a feminist blogger, is “a consumerist holiday, personified by patriarchal and heteronormative traditions which reinforces sexist stereotypes.” The anonymous 25-year-old assures her readers that she is “a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man.” T?


It's just different, okay


Shocking footage showed the moment far-right election hopeful Jair Bolsonaro was knifed in the stomach in the midst of a crowd in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, south east Brazil.


Google goes totalitarian, Republicans and Democrats push their own loyalty tests, and transgender camps for small children make the news.


There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.


The previous political dividing line of liberals versus conservatives is no longer sufficient to describe the fault line in contemporary politics.


CNN host Jake Tapper has a pretty bad habit of sitting back and letting leftist guests get away with saying some really radical stuff. Earlier this year, Tapper let Parkland student Cameron Kasky attack Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) by equating him to the kid that shot up his school. Now, during Monday’s edition of The Lead, Tapper took the same approach as GQ magazine correspondent Julia Ioffe claimed: “this President has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.”


?The Vagina Monologues,” once a cutting-edge cry of feminist liberation, is headed to the campus forbidden zone . . . because it excludes women who don’t have vaginas. Seriously: The Women’s …


New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new âprogressiveâ discipline rules adopted this month. Most likely, they will be se...