Hillary Clinton wiped “clean” the private server housing emails from her tenure as secretary of state, the chairman of the House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi said Friday.“While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she...
"You don’t think the media’s hostile enough to Trump?"
My meandering thoughts, and finger ratings. Love it - thumbs up. Hate it, middle finger. This is not a politically correct blo. Snowflakes be warned.
SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on Monday conceded the state's contested gubernatorial race to Democrat Roy Cooper, almost four weeks after the Nov. 8 election that many viewed as a referendum on a law limiting transgender bathroom rights.
HUNDREDS of migrants trying to get to Britain were among more than 1,000 kicked out of an illegal shanty town in Paris.
"12 Rules For Life" proves her wrong.
A man says he was attacked by two men while riding the New York City subway in because he was wearing a Donald Trump hat.
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney on Monday said Democrats’ inability to reach an agreement on a government funding measure is an indication of dysfunction within the party.
House Democrats have vowed to back Speaker John Boehner if tea party Republicans attempt to oust him from his leadership position.
Though a rare occurrence, every once in a blue moon even the liberals in the mainstream media tell the truth. Such was the case after the late Sen. John McCain?s virulently anti-Trump funeral Saturday. First up was The New Yorker columnist Susan B. Glasser, who readily admitted in a piece published later that evening that McCain?s ?
Prince George’s County Public Schools hopes establishing two English-language schools focusing on immigrant students will improve the dropout rates among Hispanic and Latino students, but the NAACP calls...
This is the best way for a beginner to learn more about the Convention of States Project.
Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, the first female soldiers ever to earn a Ranger tab, on Thursday discussed their experience at the notoriously tough school. Their male Ranger buddies spoke about how skepticism turned to admiration.
The media behavior in the wake of this press conference was something new, a sort of grotesque watermark of the coverage of the Trump administration.
Article: http://nyti.ms/19FExoz Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/1kI6cnm Asa is an Activist, Musician, Student, and Professional Consultant. He is Editor-at-large...
In the debut of Reality Check, Ben Shapiro takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority of Muslims worldwide are radical. http://TruthRevolt.org
The three pieces of proposed legislation would make permanent lower individual rates, eliminate the maximum age for some contributions to retirement accounts and allow new businesses to write off more start-up costs.
Some armless, others hobbling on spindly prosthetic legs, Honduran migrants came to Mexico City this week to protest their plight. Maimed in Mexico when they tried to catch a precarious train to reach the United States, they feel forgotten, ignored and with little reason to live.
Most of the innovation and development resulting in amazing products and services associated with the Internet have occurred without heavy-handed government regulation.
A Q&A with former Navy Captain Jerry Hendrix on smart preparations the White House and Pentagon made for the looming storm.
If they get their way, Beto O’Rourke and other Democrats will endanger public safety.