The March for Our Lives may have been the Parkland activist students' magnum opus, but they are by no means done agitating for leftist policies.
As he pulls together his expected presidential campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sen. Rand Paul is confronted by defections from an unexpected quarter: the die-hard idealists whose energy powered his father’s campaigns. That network of committed supporters was expected to convey to Paul, the natural successor to Ron Paul’s libertarian...
Donald Trump has split again from some of his Republican opponents - claiming that Kentucky clerk Kim Davis "violated the law of the land".
Throughout the chaos of 2016 one thing has become abundantly clear: The press has failed the people
A government shutdown is in the rearview mirror, but the outlines of a looming immigration deal remain murky with the sides still far apart — though the latest polling suggests President Trump’s bargaining position may be strong.
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When the accord lapses, Tehran will instantly become a threshold nuclear state.
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There might be a second Supreme Court vacancy soon -- and President Trump is ready.
Majority of Americans Feel Like 'Stranger in Own Country'
WASHINGTON — In its latest push to end the use of race in college admissions, the Trump administration on Thursday accused Harvard University of "engaging in outright racial balancing" and sided with Asian-American students who allege the Ivy League school discriminated against them.Harvard denied the bias claim and said it would defend the right to consider race as a factor in admissions.
Thanks for watching! You may be asking "Why is there a simcity gameplay in the background of this video?" I thought it would be perfect to include building a...
#TheRefinery crew play the inaugural round of "Salon Or Parody?" in which we try to guess if a tweet is from the "real" site Salon.com, or from a parody acco...
Billionaire Tom Steyer served notice on Monday that he will use his wealth to try to bring climate change into the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.
Parkland shooting survivor Colton Haab said that CNN pushed him to ask a scripted question at their gun control town hall Wednesday night, overruling him on the questions he wanted to ask. "CNN had o
Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Wednesday fumed over what he saw as Ted Cruz questioning the patriotism of Democrats. This is despite the fact that the cable anchor has questioned the patriotism of people he doesn't like. On Hardball, Matthews read a quote of the Republican senator asserting, "Understanding Harvard law school is very important to understanding our president" Cruz then claimed that "there were more self-declared communists on the Harvard faculty that there were Republicans."
The Securities and Exchange Commission has dropped its probe into whether ExxonMobil misled investors about climate change, the latest blow to the environmental movement’s bid to pin global warming on the oil-and-gas industry.
The legal dispute centres around the university's community covenant that bans its students from having sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage
Dr. Thomas Sowell, the long-time Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, exposes the destructive government policies caused by widespread economic illiteracy, as he discusses his book, Basic Economics (5th Edition).
Mexico's ministry of foreign affairs, which for years has quietly promoted illegal entry into the U.S., is now warning those in the country without documentation to refuse to talk to or even open their door to immigration officials. The ministry has published an infographic video to advise Mexican illegal aliens in the United States how to prepare for possible detention by immigration authorities, according to a review of it by the Center for Immigration Studies.
Donald Trump has made his entrance at the United Nations General Assembly, and according to CBN News, has already begun talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two leaders have discussed the recent behavior of Iran in the Middle East, as well as the possibility of peace between Israel and Palestine. "'I think Israel would like to see it and the Palestinians would like to see it,' said President Trump. 'I think there is a good chance it could happen.'" His thoughts were reiterated by Minister Netanyahu, who hinted that Israel was open to peaceful discussion. These responses have come as something of a surprise given Trump's long history of criticizing the U.N. However, his rhetoric appears to have softened since the General Assembly convened. Loading...
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) shot back at his "juvenile" critics who he said were members of the "neocon community"
The Trump administration has triggered visa sanctions against four countries that have refused to take back citizens the U.S. is trying to deport — tapping a little-used but very effective tool for forcing compliance.
The Senate on Tuesday destroyed any lingering hope President Barack Obama might have had for passing his budget plan through Congress this year, by voting down Obama's plan 1-98. The only senator to vote for the plan was Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.). Obama's budget plans...