Ivanka Trump plans to use …
"Shoot me. Just shoot me." Those were some of the last words uttered by 54-year-old Robert "LaVoy" Finicum before he was fatally shot by Oregon State Police near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January. New video has just been released from the traffic stop that resulted...
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Thursday that China’s economy is worsening while the U.S. is thriving amid a tariff war between Washington and Beijing.
Civil political discourse took a beating in West Virginia this weekend when a Democratic senator profanely proclaimed that he was going to vote the way he wanted and didn’t “give a s?t” if it…
The national Black Lives Matter network has asked the Democratic National Committee to hold a presidential debate devoted exclusively to the topic of racial justice in America.
George Soros?s destabilization of countries is legendary. His list of ?accomplishments? reads off like a Bond Villain?s resume. And yet few people know that Soros?s mo…
Kit Daniels, Sizable percentage of Democrats choosing Trump over Clinton. While interviewing residents of a Democratic county, CNN struggled to find a sing
Victim's parents don't want charges, say the couple is in love.
RUSH: When they turn a lot of this over to the state of New York, that changes everything.
Nancy Pelosi shocked he colleagues and media today when she forgot what year she was living in. Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeryDicey Website: https://www.v...
President Obama's Paris climate legacy lived by his pen, and should die by President Trump's. It's a terrible deal and not approved by Americans.
CHICAGO, IL—America celebrated today as violent extremists came together in a violent clash, killing each other and ending the nation?s problems for good. Extremist groups from the far left and far right heroically united in completely eliminating each other after a massive battle royale on a Chicago street. When the confrontation ended, in what some ?
Economics is not a bucket of crabs.

What if the government fears freedom?

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

What if the current massive spying on Americans began with an innocent secret executive order signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986? What if Reagan ...
Bowe Bergdahl and Our Leaders' Lost Honor -

Why Bernie Didn’t Get My Vote

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

I almost voted for Bernie Sanders. After all, in important ways his politics are closer to mine than Hillary Clinton’s are, and his campaign for the White House is inspiring.
While Clinton and Obama were playing the woman card, men and boys were falling behind.
Universities, rather than being forums for free expression, are encouraging “safe spaces” to protect delicate sensibilities.
A white supremacist super PAC is rolling out a fresh robocall campaign this week in Vermont and Minnesota telling voters, “Don’t vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump.”
For those unsure of the media landscape’s bias towards left-wing and Democrat politics, consider the questions at a Sunday press gaggle with Hillary Clinton. While campaigning in Ashland, OH, Clinton stopped by a local grocer named Grandpa’s Cheesebarn.  
Beto O’Rourke is "Technically" correct, he's not taken one dime from PACs, he's taken one million, seven hundred twenty-two thousand, eight hundred fifty dimes
Political and business elite as well as several family members have been spotted walking in and out of Trump Tower since the election and are believed to have met with Donald Trump's transition team.
A California man who told undercover agents that he wanted to carry out a Christmas Day bombing at a popular San Francisco tourist spot has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.
I don’t know the damage this ad campaign will do to boys’ psyches. I’m saddened that Disney can’t offer any characters for boys to look up to.
Gov. Walker's spokesperson Kirsten Kukowski says a Wall Street Journal report that the governor shifted his stance on amnesty is wrong.