Syed Farook, father of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, said Sunday that his son had previously admitted he was an ISIS supporter. According to The Times Of Israel, Farook told Italy
    Republican President Donald Trump has been active since he took office last Friday. Wasting no time on priorities and fulfilling campaign promises, he has followed through on slamming the brakes on Obamacare enforcement and stepping up against abortion. If there was any doubt as to what kind of President he would be, these doubts are quickly being erased. Another topic appears to be getting addressed now as well, which is immigration and terrorism. According to reports, President Trump is preparing to sign executive orders restricting immigration from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. This undoubtedly will cause shockwaves among the political environment, which is already heated in Washington D.C. Since his inauguration, President Trump has faced ongoing protests including a massive Women’s March. Immigration caused a lot of controversy for him during the election cycle and will likely reignite criticism again. The immigration restrictions make sense, however. President Trump has been a vocal critic of European countries allowing massive numbers of unfiltered refugees enter. Especially in the?
The inauguration of President Trump was immediately followed by size comparisons. Learn More...
CNN literally scrubbed a head which linked Antifa to violence because the Antifa terrorists did not like it. This is ...
Legal battles in Illinois and California over “fair share” payments could affect millions of workers nationwide and impact both public and private unions.
When President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, said he was ending diplomatic relations with the Nationalist Chinese government in Taiwan, The Dallas Morning News, a journal widely admired at the time for its...
More than 3 million gallons of contaminated mine water hurt the environment in three states and on Indian land
It's a devastating report on a terribly flawed piece of journalism. It was already abundantly clear that Rolling Stone's story on an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house was a
As President Obama touted a tentative deal that would lift sanctions on Iran in return for reducing its number of nuclear facilities, left unmentioned were the three American citizens currently held captive by the regime. Jason Rezaian is a Washington Post correspondent who has been held without charges since July. Saeed Abedini is an Idaho pastor who was sentenced to eight years for disturbing national security after his work with churches in the country. Amir Hekmati is a Marine from Michigan who was sentenced for 10 years for aiding a hostile country — the U.S. — after visiting relatives in Iran. Now that Iran has sat at the table next to the United States, working diligently to come to an agreement for a nuclear program, we ask Iran if they still consider the United States a hostile country and if they do not, perhaps it is time they open the prison gates and allow the Red Cross to visit Amir without guard and report on the status of his well-being, his family said, according to the New York Times.
In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.
Some students at New York's Sarah ?
With all the media focus on the caravan, the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi murder, and later the pipe bombs, there was scant coverage of the tragic Beirut US Marine Barracks bombing October 23, 1983.
Scott Adams is not a typical political pundit. He has no background in politics. He never lived in Washington, D.C. Except for book promotion time, he rarely gives a fiddle about being on cable or network television. Adams’s politics does not fit neatly into right or left, or any of the other terms we use to shoehorn people: moderate, civil libertarian, populist, etc. He prefers to spell his own ideas out not in a newspaper or magazine but on the blog attached to his comic strip Dilbert and on regular selfie videos posted on Periscope. From that description, you might
'We believe he will protect the rights of all Americans'
Let us consider one of the basic building blocks of economics: the law of unintended consequences. All too often, human actions — especially government actions — backfire and harm the very people they are supposed to benefit.Price controls are one example. Following a hurricane, people may see sudden increases in the price of plywood. However, if they successfully petition government to impose price controls on plywood to help them rebuild, they may be still more dismayed to discover a woefully insufficient supply of plywood at local stores. This happens because the mechanism of a free market is impeded from redirecting plywood from normal channels to where it is most needed in an emergency situation.
If my student comrades ever did manage to impose socialism on the country, it would cause deep and widespread misery. And yet plenty of misery in their own lives was already being generated by the mere idea of socialism residing only their minds.
In a bizarre twist in the aftermath of Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald's highly contentious interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson, Eichenwald announced that

Ridiculous rage over Iran letter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton hasn’t been frog-marched from the Russell Senate Office Building — yet. To believe the Arkansan’s harshest critics, that’s only because felonious traitors don’t get the p...
Climate change is a moral challenge threatening the rights of the world’s poorest people and those who deny it are not using God’s gift of knowledge, says presiding bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
It's hard to believe how heroic Desmond Doss was. So hard, 'Hacksaw Ridge' director Mel Gibson and producers left some of it out.
Here's what we must know about this epic road trip taking place in a black vehicle Clinton has deemed her "Scooby Doo van."
Trump seems to be realizing that he has hired idiots
In a city once called the Saudi Arabia of Venezuela for its vast oil wealth, residents of Maracaibo now line up to buy spoiled meat as refrigerators fail amid nine months of rolling power outages that recently got worse.
"You're not going to want to take a [Cabinet] secretary and necessarily move them to Youngstown … but what backroom operations, what agencie...
This is insane, that the NSA can spy on every American, and an FBI investigation stopped dead in its tracks after being thwarted by the letter "K."