
But don’t worry, she was “respectful” and it’s all in the name of science.


BRUSSELS (AP) - European Council President Donald Tusk says the European Union has approved a Brexit deal with Britain.


The left has made it clear that "gender identity" must be the new standard for any and all things segregated by sex. If John says he "identifies" as a female, he should be allowed access to that corresponding fitting room, bathroom, locker-room, etc. Anything less would be discriminatory, and as Totally Objective CNN journalist Chris Cuomo recently noted, if a 12-year-old girl doesn't want to see a penis in her locker-room, she's "the problem."


Kofi Annan, a former United Nations secretary-general, died Saturday, the Annan family and the Kofi Annan Foundation confirmed. He was 80 years old.


In 1965,John Cresswell Keats compellingly argued college wasn't worth it for most students. Too bad we didn't listen to him.


CNN shockingly aired a segment that highlights a "quirk" in the constitution that would allow Barack Obama to appoint a successor to the presidency if Donald...


"What's worse? That @SenatorKirk is simply pandering to liberal voters or that he's stupid enough to believe this?"


Organizers with the left-leaning group Housing Works told protesters they must "risk arrest" in order to be reimbursed for airfare to Washington, D.C., according to an internal email obtained by The D


“They can’t get through the basic exam that we give them. Now, c’mon, it’s not that hard of a test, but even high school kids who graduated high school can’t get through this exam."


Trump University was not a degree-granting school and did not have a campus, but it ran real estate seminars that critics have called a useless and expensive fraud.


A federal judge in Virginia on Tuesday rejected a motion from President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, to dismiss the charges against him in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.


This article is more personal. I have some experience with Peterson’s description of suffering, and I believe that what he says is right.


"Dirty Jobs" host Mike Rowe had some choice words Tuesday night in response to a question he got accusing him of harboring "white nationalist" sympathies. Rowe posted a question submitted to him on


Author- Maria Santana **Inspired by Dinesh D?Souza?s video for think tank PragerU. Here is the link provided below and the the title of the video is ?Is fascism left or right̵…


If she wants to serve in Congress, she’d better get used to being hounded by the press.


Anybody who believes in impeaching a President less than a year in are being led by the collar. America needs to come together, not tear itself apart.


Because for the Clintons, see, it's not about money


In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, news organizations — caught with their finger distinctly off the pulse of America — are promising to do better. But however well-intentioned, they’re still o…


Chicago and New York rank at the bottom of a new analysis of fiscal strength based pri


Jews have good reason to be wary of Tehran's rhetoric.


One hundred and fifty years after the end of the Civil War, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are two Americas—one where the principles of constitutionally limited government and individual liberty are still revered, the other where statism and the trampling of individual rights are on the rise. Widespread resistance at the state level, however, will require two elements: strong governors and strong state legislatures willing to vigorously assert their 10th amendment rights.


There’s lots to marvel at in the partial transcript the New York Times released of reporter Michael Schmidt’s interview with President Trump yesterday. But I think my favorite part has got to be this little bit about health care:
But Michael, I know the details of taxes better than anybody. Better than the greatest C.P.A. I know the details of health care better than most, better than most. And if I didn’t, I couldn’t have talked all these people into doing ultimately only to be rejected.
Now here’s the good news. We’ve created associations, millions of people are joining associations. Millions. That were formerly in Obamacare or didn’t have insurance ...


Colorado was among the four states where voters approved a minimum wage hike in November.


In yet another moment the NFL really didn't need amid collapsing ratings, a late-game scuffle broke out between the Seattle Seahawks defense and the Jacksonville Jaguars offense on Sunday after Seahawks defenders — including Quinton Jefferson and