
No one should have been surprised, in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey, to see Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-New York) rush to a podium and grab a microphone. And no one should have been surprised to see Schumer express alarm and outrage over the firing of someone he said he’d “lost confidence in” back in November. Schumer’s babblings and bleatings were little different than countless other Washington Democrats, many of whom changed tunes from directly blaming Comey for Hillary Clinton losing the presidency to screaming about Comey’s firing in the space of less than


On Sunday President Donald Trump thanked Nicole, a black, conservative woman for her support. Thank you Nicole! https://t.co/KlWN05uFOx — Donald ...


Rand Paul Is Running for the Republican Nomination, So Now the Party Is Ready to Attack Him -


Sharing gorgeous pictures and well-crafted stories with children can combat the dehumanizing beliefs that make our world shrill, angry, and sad.


Here's our third report of violence breaking out at what should have been peaceful events in Berkeley, Calif., in as many months.


Sarah Silverman recently shared some rape prevention tips. Hereâs some for preventing abortion.


Amy couldn’t remember all the details and didn’t even know if she could try abortion reversal, but she knew she had to find out.


"...to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people..."




Trump's Cabinet officers may lack fully staffed departments, but the president has appointed people to watch them


On Wednesday, December 14th Donald Trump's spokesman Sean Spicer said corruption is legal and


MILWAUKEE -- Just blocks from the interstate at 11th Lane and Locust, neighbors say a gun battle erupted in the middle of the street. Sources say over 100 shots were fired, and no one was killed.
"It was echoes. It was something," said Marquise Brazil, resident.
Neighbors are recalling a night they will never forget.


The FBI arrested a man from Modesto, California that they say was planning a Christmas terror attack in San Francisco, according to court documents.


Ben Shapiro notes that applause inside of CNN's town hall isn't necessarily going to resonate outside.


The Spanish region is scheduled to vote on Sunday, despite fierce opposition from the central government in Madrid and from the courts.


“Welcome to all of you deplorables,” the Republican nominee said.


White House press secretary rips liberals for playing 'games with people’s lives' when convenient for them amid Kavanaugh allegations


The modern link between high carbon dioxide levels and climate change didn’t appear to hold true for a time interval about 22 million years ago; but now a new study has found the link does indeed exist.
Fossil leaves from Africa have resolved a prehistoric climate puzzle — and also confirm the link between carbon dioxide


According to HeatStreet, two female Black Lives Matter activists are raking in the dough after starting a business that offers a subscription service “to guilt-ridden white ‘allies’ who pay a monthly fee to be sent instruction on how to support their movement.” Their names are Leslie Mac and Marissa Jenae Johnson, and they rose to prominence after storming the mic at a Bernie Sanders Rally in Seattle last year. With just a little bit of recognition, the pair has managed to sucker 300 customers, they claim, to send them money every month.


Police say a 5-year-old boy is recovering after being shot in the ankle on New Year's Eve.


"Trump may be a threat but so is this covert coup to impose these policies."


Writers who claim that Republicans used belligerent tactics during the 2016 election should take a closer look at President Obama's track record.


Capitol Hill police arrested seven pro-life protestors while they were praying outside the office of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday, including prominent pro-life activist and former
