Office of Special Counsel says VA inspector general discredited whistleblowers who complained about phoney wait lists.
Everyone’s favorite MSNBC contributor, Kurt Eichenwald attacked pro-2A Parkland student Kyle Kashuv on Twitter Friday causing conservatives to launch a boycott of MSNBC’s advertisers. Boycotts work both ways. It’s time to make the left live up to the rigors they set for conservatives. Many of Laura Ingraham’s advertisers pulled their ads from her Fox News …
House Democrats have reportedly weighed drafting three articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
Former second lady Jill Biden said Wednesday on ABC's "The View" that "the American people don't want to hear these smears against my family" when asked about the story of emails allegedly from Hunter Biden linking his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, to his Ukraine business dealings. | Clips
Clinton and the Democrats are laughing at you.
"..you are the Democratic Party’s version of a teabagger.."
The organization behind the 1,000-person strong caravan of Central Americans surging toward the United States' southern border accused President Trump of bullying immigrants and threatening mass violence -- while Trump again warned the advancing procession had better be stopped.
Adam Schiff’s star witness Alexander Vindham testified to the House Intel Committee that he “thought” the President was wrong in his policy with the Ukraine.  So he later told Ukrainians to ignore the President. Alexander Vindham’s testimony was recently released and it shows an ignorant underling in the NSC who believed the President’s policy in …
EXCLUSIVE: A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden's current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned.
The American Humane Society slammed the Biden administration after the US military left its contract dogs behind in Afghanistan before pulling out of Kabul.
We won't know what the FBI found at Trump's domicile until somebody leaks it to the media as part of a calculated, pre-election info-op.
Michigan is the central focus of the 2016 presidential campaign today, as state voters cast their ballots in what both Democrats and Republicans see as a critical primary.
Escalating his trade feud with China, President Trump ordered his administration Thursday night to consider adding another $100 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese products.
People in the media rarely mention it, but Trump has really delivered on his border wall promises. It’s amazing when you see what the new wall looks like, compared to the laughable border barrier that used to be in its place. It was a four foot tall barrier that you could easily climb over or…
"I would say first that no one is placing blame here. I think it's important for people to understand, though, what the process has been. And while there are between one hundred and two hundred citizens who have not yet departed"...
The urea formaldehyde resins production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.

The Dam Bursts for Rubio

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Marco Rubio's latest defeats have created what feels like an insurmountable perception of defeat.
Jeremy Corbyn has condemned Israel’s killing of at least 27 Palestinians on the Gaza border as an “outrage” and attacked Western “silence” about the deaths.
Rep. Alcee Hastings Another Democrat lawmaker is facing an ethics investigation for an improper relationship with a staffer! 83-year-old Democrat Rep. Alcee Hastings (FL) is under investigation for allegations of an improper relationship with one of his congressional staffers, the House Ethics Committee announced Thursday. “The Committee is aware off public allegations arising out off …
GSA reportedly broke agreement with Trump's team.
DALLAS, TX - As new restrictions on abortion go into effect in Texas, more and more concerned residents are speaking out about their loss of abortion access. We caught up with Dallas resident Debbie Woods to discuss the impact of the new law on her life. 'I probably get four or five abortions a year, so this will definitely impact me direct ...
Three years ago liberals mocked President Donald Trump for expressing a desire to buy the nation of Greenland from Denmark. “It's just something we've

Hillary’s Other Server Scandal

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Kimberley A. Strassel writes about Hillary Clinton’s other server scandal: The focus is on state secrets in her email—but what personal favors lay within?
Rep. Ilhan Omar paid another $150,000 to Tim Mynett’s political consulting group in the three months after The Post first revealed allegations the pair were romantically involved, records sho…